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How to hit a bong?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by socrox, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. pack bowl with weed
    Lighter lite near it
    suck in
    Let get milky
    remove slide
    Exhale after a few seconds
    repeat until high.
  2. 1) Make sure the stem is 100% operational (clean enough to create suction)
    2) Pick the bud apart or use a grinder to make sure oxegyn can travel through it for maximum combustion.
    3) Suck the smoke in moderately hard until the chamber white walls, or you are comfortable or whatever, then pull out the stem and suck hard enough to clear the smoke. If you have a carb then just do the same, I've never had a carb so I don't know how well they work.

    If you can't handle a bong rip then you should just stick to pipes until you can.
  3. if your stem doesnt come out, you have to cover up the hole in the side, suck hard for a good 5-10 seconds, then let go of your finger over the hole and breathe in. If it makes a nice water bubbly noise your doing it right.
  4. to put it more simple just keep taking hits until ur able to stand a bong. dont get 1 that is huge as fuck if ur a bong noob but try something a lil more suttle
  5. and i cant stress anof MAKE SURE U GOT WATER IN THE BITCH...i was keeping my bong out in the open for a few weeks when the 'rents were out of town and i cleaned it the other night and emptyed the water...i woke up happy, ready for some wake n' bake and took the biggest hit i remember takeing and it tasted werid i exhaled then was throwing up and pasted out for about half an hour...crazy days
  6. I guess I wrote the question wrong..Eh, I mean I used my bong and I got really high. But when I pull the slide, I cant even clear it..any tips?
  7. Oh, in that case you should just suck until you see a little smoke swirling around in the chamber then try to clear it. Just let a little bit of smoke travel through the bong and you should be safe for the 7 second hold :p.
  8. is it pretty big? cuz if so dont fill it up all the way(with smoke) and pull the slide earlier
  9. If ur having a hard time clearing it right before u would normaly pull out the slide close your mouth and exhale out ur nose then clear it
  10. lol dont worry about it. If your not a pro yet you will be. Don't completely milk it because you obviously wont be able to clear it. And it depends on your breathing. If you pull through with your diaphragm then you will get a lot more smoke into your lungs. Assuming you know different breathing techniques.
  11. i dont know different breathing techniques, care to explain?
    I mean i inhale right though, ive been smoking for a while.
  12. If it is too much for you, exhale before clearing the rest of the chamber and then take the chamber. That should help a little bit.
  13. Well when I got my first bong, I packed my first bowl, and i couldn't clear the whole thing at all because i had never used a bong before.
    what I kinda learned was maybe if you just pack half a bowl, then you should be able to clear it.
    as you get better at smoking with your bong, you can take bigger hits.
    good luck.

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