how to hide the smell when you grow inside

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by generaldahnke13, Feb 12, 2009.

  1. chole i agree because i watch the show dea and they use the infared on house and they found the grow house but they debated a little before raided becase they were unsure and it was definitly a commrcal grow house
  2. i hate police , i really really do
  3. Ok I have two major questions.
    1. You dont think it gets hot in your attic? Have you ever gone in your attic during the summer? Its probably 120 degrees in there, even with 3 vents.
    2. Do you have exposed insulation in your attic?
    You will need to create some air-flow in your box are you going to be sucking in little fiber particles that get in your weed and later on you are smoking insulation fibers?

    No way in the world would I consider growing in an attic. There are too many problems to deal with IMO, atleast in my situation.

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