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How to hide the smell of weed

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Zack Smith, Apr 5, 2011.

  1. Like the smoke
  2. ozium, sploof, spray, triple bag it
  3. ^^^^^

    this guy has got it right and lol that this is his first post!

    just look around how to make a sploof, and get a fan and put it so its like exhausting the smoke outa the room...... and get ozium (its a air spray that does work)
  4. #4 Zack Smith, Apr 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    How good does a sploof work if herd about them but what about the weed that smokes out of the pipe?
  5. Sploof or Jamaican hotbox.

    I need to get around to writing that Jamaican hotbox guide, I've been meaning to. I mean considering I AM Mr. Jamaican Hotbox, GC's resident Jamaican Hotbox expert.
  6. Smoke buddies work pretty good. If you need to be stealthy though, you should get a vape, particularly the MFLB.

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