How to help a momas boy part 2

Discussion in 'General' started by KLOUD9NINE, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. i made a thread a while back titled "how to help a mamas boy??" about my friend whose life is run by his parents well his life may have either taken a turn for the worse or turn for the better, He got suspended from college for a year and his parents dont know so he pretends to go to school but really just drives around town aimlessly due to the fact that his father is getting a new job but hasn't started yet so he stays home.

    he believes that if and when his parents find out about his suspension they will kick him out and when that does happen his game plan is to get a job and get an apartment(mind you hes never had a job) he seems so delusional about life to me.

    does anyone else know people like this? any advice i can pass on to help him
  2. Your friend needs to man up, get a job and get on his own. If thats not possible he needs to make his parent's realize hes an adult and responsible for himself. If his parents are paying for his school and cut his fund then oh well. Majority of people go to college on student loans and grants. Almost anyone can get a FASFA grant unless you're too lazy too apply. Theres no excuse to not go to college if you want to.

    Why did he get suspended from college? More than working with his parents it sounds like he needs to get his shit together.
  3. Why did he get suspended from college? More than working with his parents it sounds like he needs to get his shit together.[/QUOTE]

    he claims he missed too many classes. though i dont think you can get suspended for that
  4. You wouldn't get suspended for that. Maybe his teachers dropped his classes for a semester. Even if he did something considerably bad he'd be on academic probation. He either did something very stupid or plagiarized which is a huge deal in college, but normally they would take other measures than suspending. Especially for a year, it would normally only be a semester or expulsion.
  5. well then hes either exaggerating or lying for attention
  6. If he's just out driving around all day avoiding his parents, then he obviously has access to a car. I suggest he use that time filling out job applications rather than driving around aimlessly.
  7. hes waiting till his parents find out about his situation, hes been trying to get me to tag along with him but i really dont have time to keep him company on his childish adventures
  8. His parents will give him a better reception if hes just honest. When they find out hes been hiding it from them, especially if they put even a penny into his college funds, they will be beyond disappointed. It really is a bitch move.

    You asked how to help your friend, tell him to man up and be honest about the situation.
  9. Important fact; You can't help everyone.

    If he's doomed, he's doomed. Learn from his mistakes and have an awesome life.
  10. i dont know about doomed, academically he is pretty intelligent but he has pretty ignorant view about life

    Learn from his mistakes and have an awesome life- btw this is great advice growing up i never understood why people older me would get mad if i fucked up it was because there was no need to make mistakes that they already did. you can learn some life lessons from just about any body
  11. there paying for his classes in full, and hes not going to do that his parents are extremely strict i believe they helped foster his behavior in a way
  12. #12 th3_chr0nic, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    Well if he's not going to be honest about it what's he going to do? Trust me, the little shit has NO idea what it costs to live by yourself. If he gets kicked out he's fucked. He'd shit himself at the cost of the gas he wastes "driving around aimlessly."

    I really think he should just be honest but it doesn't sound like he even is honest with his friends. Like another poster said, you don't get suspended for skipping class. If you miss too much, the teacher can drop you or fail you, but you could still apply for classes at the college.

    If he was dropped from literally every class he was taking this semester for skipping then he's just hopeless. I'd recommend a good ass beating from a very intimidating individual.
  13. I'd recommend he just finds a job. If he is as intellegent as you give him credit for, there shouldn't be a problem, even with minimum pay jobs.

    Finding work in every country is difficult, it takes time and effort. I mean, I dropped out of university, drifted around in one form or another, doing odd jobs when they were available. Now, i'm working, for over minimum wage, but putting in the hours, and looking for courses to help advance.

    He needs something to shock him from his complacency, it sounds like.
  14. Like you said, he's never had a job. His parents obviously give him everything so he has no value for money. Once he gets caught and is forced to get a job working 40-50 hours a week for minimum wage, he will smarten up and be begging to go back to school. The more sheltered a person is, the harder the dose of reality.
  15. Yeah wow this guy sounds like an utter tool. He's driving around aimlessly and he's waiting until his parents find out about his suspension before he starts looking for work? He obviously has no idea how hard it is to find a job or survive on your own, and he's never had a job before and he's in college?

    Yeah his parents are definitely partially at fault, but that's no fucking excuse. Parents don't make or break you, YOU make or break yourself. He needs a good ass kicking for sure, both physically and mentally. Life will wake him up from his dream world soon enough, hopefully. Sounds like something my friend Al would do, he's never held a job either, parents pay for everything, etc etc. Pretty much same story except he's far too afraid of his parents to ever get suspended.

    It's sad. Truly.
  16. hes 19 and cant have women over his house and cant date either lol
  17. Wow... just...... wow...

    And some adults say I'm immature for my age (19 as well). Hahahaha oh brother.
  18. thats more spineless than immature if anything

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