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How to get the most out of weed? (comparing consumption techniques)

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by cheech 'n chong, Oct 28, 2014.

  1. #1 cheech 'n chong, Oct 28, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 28, 2014
    How can i save the most money on my herb?
    Joints v.s Bongs v.s Pipes v.s edibles v.s tinctures v.s vaporizers...etc
    also can the yield be beneficial when converting weed to bho?
    small hits vs big hits

  2. #2 riktheredabacus, Oct 28, 2014
    Last edited: May 18, 2017
  3. I'll do a ratio of how much you need to smoke so you get more of an idea. Say you'd normally have about .3g in your bong you'd need about 1g in joints, 1g in edibles and about .5 in a pipe though I hate pipes. Never used tinctures/edibles

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  4. grind up your flower..
    load a little rip at a time in your bong/piece.
    enjoy fresh hits every time.
    make your flower last longer.
  5. I take 0.1gram bong tokes, one gets me high.  Although vaping would be more efficient as you can use your abv to make edibles.
  6. Big hits get you higher than small hits

    vaporizers conserve the best. (can reuse the bud)

    then edibles

    then bongs/pipes

    and lastly joints or blunts
    I'm a big advocate on using this method, OP.
    Myself personally, I'm usually using a pipe, so I tend to grind up a few bowls worth, putting about a "one-hitter's" worth of weed in each bowl, and continue to do so until I'm at the appropriate highness I want to be at the time.  :smoke:
  8. Snaps through a bong. Medium Medium to large size hits seem to work better odly. If I smoke a bowl in two or three hits I don't feel it as much for some reason. Vape is the most efficient imo. Plus you can use Vape weed for edibles
  9. Vaporizers, combustion always destroys some of the cannabinoids in the bud.
  10. Vaaaaaaaaaaaape!
  11. Use a good grinder (space case is my choice.) good grinders will increase airflow and surface area, making the burn more even and wasting less herb because the heat source can't directly get to it.

    Use a piece with good airflow. Look at the bowl hole and the shotgun hole. Make sure you don't have to suck really hard on the piece to get a hit.

    Don't torch the bowl.

    Bong snappers.

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  12. Snappers in bongs.
    Or concentrates. 
  13. Vaporize it and save your vaped bud, then use the vaped bud to make edibles or concentrates.
  14. #15 budbudgoose, Oct 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2014
    when i'm in a pinch, I make my own snapper bowl from a metal pen cap. (or i guess you can just go buy a legit one - but i prefer my pen cap bowl.)
    it fits about .1 g of bud, and because of the bowl's cone shape and small exit hole, it efficiently burns the weed all the way through before it snaps through. you get crazy hits and no more wasted weed.
    here's a pic of the pen cap bowl (new vs. converted cap). Notice that the converted cap doesn't have that shiny chrome. I burned off any paint and chemical off it with a blow torch. I also attached a wire to it so i can pull it out and carb without burning my fingers.
  15. My vaporizer paid for itself in the first month I've had it. I can get two sessions off the same bud, and then use the ABV to make edibles. 8)

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