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how to get THC without a screen!!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by mrbubbler, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. k so earlier today i was chilling in my room, thinking of a way to get some tch (kief) but i didnt have a screen. I had some dixie cups over on my desk so i grabbed one, got a small safety pin. (size maters cuz the size of the hole) and preceded to poke a shit ton of holes in the bottom of it. I put in about 2.5g of some high mids/dank weed. (smelled really skunky and had lots of red hairs:D) I shook it up pretty well, every now and then the dixie cup holes get clogged, so empty the weed out and tap on the bottom of the dixie cup while its upside down. I got a good .2g of some thc out of this method it works great! Im saving it for my buddies party in a week. :hello: Im getting some more weed tomorrow so i'll have lots of thc for sure.

    And thats how to get all the thc/kief without a screen!

  2. It's hardly pure. I'd say a ratio of 1:3 weed to plant matter. Still more potent then just weed! Just not amazing.
  3. if he poked 10,000 .1mm holes then it would be like a Screen lol.

    but ^ is right.

    its like a half ass'd hash method.

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