How to get over girlfriend thinking a guy is hot?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by Jeffersong808, Aug 15, 2019.

  1. Some of them want to use you. Some of them want to be used by you. Some of them want to abuse you. Some of them want to be abused...
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  2. Crocs is your answer.
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  3. personally, I kinda like it when my honey (ab)uses me for her pleasure .... hee hee :inlove:
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  4. But you gotta draw the line somewhere. You wouldn't like it if she drew a knife on you and tried to stab you.

    or maybe you would. I really shouldn't assume your kink...
  5. lol fuck no, she'd get the Sean Connery for sure! I was talking pillow talk bro.
    My woman is 100% supportive, even more than that. She TELLS me to smoke weed to take a break... but she hardly ever smokes (beer drinker). She gets drunk and crazy :D I happily perk up :D

    to op, don't be ocd bro. I had my heartbreaks and learned that I need to live with me, so I place great importance in integrity of character... my face may be hoagly, but I wanna be like stainless steel inside. Don't you?

    You need to recognize that the Love you feel for her is what YOU feel ... You are the Lover. Share that with someone that feels 100% the same way... no better trip imo.
  6. Or nut in the sea. Eh? Eh?
  7. Lmao I fuckin love it Man U can’t win lol
  8. The best way to get over a previous girl that broke your heart is to get a new one. It's not that hard. Hit the weights and clean up your diet. A new girl is a weekend away. Screw the last one.
  9. Dude he's in the military. He's gotta be in great shape already...
  10. #50 Ryan8283, Aug 17, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2019
    Hmmmmmm as for the girl just get a new one no homo who doesn’t truly appreciate good ole captain America

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. we call that Tinder these days
  12. Typically when a woman tells you she thinks somebody other than you is hot, she is testing you to see your response. When women begin testing you, this is typically because there is a higher masculine man in her life than you and she wants to see if you measure up to him; she probably talks to this guy about you and he probably handles it just fine, so she wanted to see if you possessed that same quality.

    You failed the test and did not possess the quality that the higher masculine man did... Because before the test, you two were probably viewed as equals, but when you failed the test, she now viewed the other guy as higher masculine than you.
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  13. Jesus bro. You don't find other celebrities or even other regular chicks hot ? She is 100% gonna meet hotter dudes than you who have more money and better personalities. But she's with YOU. She's YOUR girl, not theirs. You've got to trust her, and trust yourself. You're the man bro.

    Insecurity is just not a good look man.
  14. >>?<<
    there is no hotter guy than me ;)
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  15. I would be a fucking 11 if I was in shape...
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