How to get less drag out of this bong?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by Hellgiver, May 27, 2012.

  1. I recently bought a 3x 6 arm perc with ice notch bong with a 14mm joint.


    I usually use a shower head diffy but before I make the purchase I had a couple questions. I also use an 11 arm ash catcher, but I've found that there is a LOT of drag. The diffy that came with the bong doesn't reach the bottom of the beaker, so I have to fill it up about half way for the downstem to diffuse.

    So, how can I make sure to reduce the drag? Or at least where are the bottlenecks? I understand that too much water will increase drag, so I could get a perfectly fit diffy that hits the bottom in order to decrease that water level. Also, I can replace my ash catcher with one that has a shower head diffuser (I'm really liking the shower head design). If I do the new ash catcher, which shower head design will give the least drag?



    The second one has larger slits, so I wonder if that would help with the drag? And yes, it is a 19mm joint, but I could get a 14/19 downstem if this is the case. That brings me to my 2nd question: could the 14mm joint be bottlenecking the flow, causing the drag? Especially with 3 percs to go through once it goes through the joint, I could see that being a problem. Thoughts, suggestions?

  2. its the bong that's causing most of the drag, and you really cant do anything to fix it on a bong that has 3 percs. A carbon filter might work better instead of a A/C
  3. #3 VladTepes, May 27, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2012
    It's not really the amount of water in the entire chamber that's the amount of water above the diffused downstem itself. Also the addition of any ashcatcher will increase drag significantly. So I suggest not using one on that piece as it seems to be filtered with those tree percs very well.

    Not much can be changed, just don't use an ashcatcher and try to only cover the downstem by a cm or so. (maybe an inch)

    If you are set on purchasing an ashcatcher, go for the first showerhead.
    From my experience, smaller slits= less drag. Since it's not pulling big bubbles through.
    It also looks a lot nicer.

    Goodluck. Nice bong by the way.
  4. Thanks for the replies guys!

    I kind of figured it was based on the water above the slits. I have another bong with a 19mm joint that has a single perc and when I use my Alex k 19/19 shower head diffy and my 11 arm ash catcher, it is pretty smooth overall. The two things that pop out in my mind are the number of tree diffusers in this new bong and the smaller joint size. Would a showerhead perc bong with a 19 or even larger joint help? In other words, does having slitted diffusion add a lot more drag than showerhead, and does smaller joint size also add to the drag? I can always sell this one if I can't get the drag down enough but I still want to know what to consider if I'm intending to replace with another.

    Thanks again!
  5. Well each type of diffusion on downstems hits differently, Personally I am not a fan of the 6 slitted open ended downstems, I'm more of a fan of pinhole diffusion (I have a 13 hole diffused downstem) which hits like a beast. Showerheads for downstems I find to be ideal.

    Also, I would figure an 18.8mm GonG would create a tiny bit more of a drag because it's a larger downstem compared to a 14mm downstem, So more air has to be sucked through. Personally I prefer 18mm GonG female sizes for bongs because most downstems are made for that size from what I have seen.

    But really, for that bong, Like you said the treepercs are the main things which are most likely casuing drag on it.

    Hopefully I've been of some assistance.

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