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How to get away with smoking

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Jackman6123, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. Hi, I am still in highschool and live with my parents. I have my driver's license but no car. I am really struggling with finding a way to smoke without getting caught. It is currently winter outisde where I live and super cold with snow. I don't want to use my parent's car because my dad know's wat pot smells like. Could I please get some help on how to smoke without fear of getting caught.
  2. Montana has lots of wilderness dude. Just take a day trip out into the woods, and get blazed. Hundreds of hikers get lost in the rockies every year. Make yourself "disappear", (but don't get lost), and toke to your heart's content. Away you go. (or are you in Eastern Montana?)
  3. search button dogg
  4. I am in eastern nebraska
  5. Magic-Flight Launch Box is the greatest purchase EVER.
  6. #6 k_semler, Jan 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2010
    Shit, where did I get Montana from then?

    EDIT: Just drive out to somewhere, and park. Walk out and smoke in a field. Don't drive your car out there, (1. you'll get stuck. 2. You'll have one pissed off farmer and might get shot for fucking up the crops.) Or just smoke in a culvert somewhere. Yeah, smoking in a steel tunnel ain't that great, but you won't get caught.
  7. Light up a blunt with your poppa:smoke:
  8. Jus go smoke outside wen the parents are gone lol
  9. When I was in High School, I faced the exact same problem, in retrospect, I regret smoking in my parents house, kinda disrespectful. So, i'd recommend you go outside. But If you really cant, then what I used to do is;
    -Go into the bathroom
    -Turn on scolding hot water in shower, put a plug into the tub, and add shampoo/body wash to make it mish up and go everywhere
    -Open a window
    -Load single hits into a BOWL (This dosent really work with a joint)
    -Smoke, USe Sploof
    -Put smelly, resinated pipe into a ziplock bag.
    -Clear evidence, ash into toilet.
    -Just chill and enjoy your buzz for a while, the steam feels good
    -Close the window
    -Small sprays of deodorizer by window.
    Done deal.
    Remember, in stealthy situations, just keep it simple, and don't panic. The reason most people get caught is because they over complicate things and make a big deal out of it.
  10. Well, if you're parents don't enter your room often or if you have a lock on your door you can do it in your room like I do.

    Here's what I do:

    -Crack my window open
    -Towel on the bottom of my door
    -Use a sploof
    -Burn incense

    I've done it while my mother is sitting on the couch right outside my room and she's yet to notice it.
  11. Tell your parents you are going to go play outside and find a secret spot to toke in. Ask some friends to go along with you if you enjoy company.

  12. i was wondering the same thing shit was funny

  13. yea, "play" like imagination time, if he's in high school he will sound odd "going to play outside."
  14. bite the bullet and smoke outside, its not that bad.
  15. Give yourself two or three hours of time when you wont be around your parents.(after school if they work in the afternoon.) so your high will wear off a lil, and toke on your back porch or while walking your dog. Im still In HS, so im in the same boat.
  16. Get the mail, walk the dog, anything that will get you outside without making you look dumb.
    Your parents won't ask questions if it's a chore.
  17. Whatever u don't be dumb and at a simeoltaneous momement start hanging up tapistrys,burning incense and reggae overload then ur parents get susspicious and that's how I got busted the first time not smart I havnt been able to burn in five weeks my parents have me on a leash
  18. Live near omaha by chance? I live in council bluffs, IA.

    But on topic, I currently live with my parents as well (I know people look down on smoking in there parent's house but it's to cold lol)

    1st: Make a sploof (toilet paper roll dryer sheet on 1 end, with 2-3 shoved inside of the tube.)

    2nd: Hopefully your room has a window, open it take a hit (loading snappers is the smartest way to go), out of your bong/pipe and exhale out of the tube out the window.
    and the reason blowing it through the tube if any smoke blows back in it smells like laundry,

    3rd: Put on a some cologne/spray ( DO NOT DRENCH YOUR ROOM THAT WILL MAKE IT OBVIOUS ) to mask the smell that might of lingered in if anything, just to be safe.

    4th: Enjoy your high.
  19. you must make a sploof!!! this is a necessary step in being stealth. of course what everyone says about opening windows. the bathroom is also a great place. or get a vape.
  20. Only problem with sploofs for me is that yea, the smoke that you exhale is taken care of, but if the cherry is lit, smoke is coming off that.

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