How to flush your plant . Properly . NEVER SOAKING THE F OUT OF IT !

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by bryan oconner, Oct 31, 2023.

  1. Now This is not for debate. This is nothing more then how to add water . Im not tell you to flush or not .
    Lot of people on here flushing there plants the wrong way. You should NEVER totally soak the soil fully .

    Just use plan ph or not ph water . More testes need to be done ph or not ph . Your not feeding nutrients. Your goal you want the plant to use up the stored nutrients . Some studies say wrong ph will force the plants to uptake higher amounts of nutrients from the soil. My opinion is meaningless to you . To ph or not .

    Flush time . Let the soil dry up as normal. Water totally normal just water . Do it for at least 3 waterings . Or 7 to 10 days is more then enough .
    Done your flushed . Reason to flush for me . I recycle the soil for the next grow . The soil will have a lot of build up and the wrong ppm amount of nutrients in it . Other secret reasons . lol.
    Do not dare reading past this point ! Just stop ! You were warned !
    Does flush weed taste better then non ? LOL. !!! if i say something past this point i expect 50 replies with websites to come up saying it does nothing .
    Most info i will reply to the no need to flush people with questions . Have you ever had weed that keeps clogging the bong. Dark black ash . Not grey as it should be. Popping weed wile smoking . Harsh as hell on the lungs taste like shit ? Please tell us why that is ? Your a home grower your doing everything correctly you may not of seen it. If you smoke some dispo weed then you may of seen it .
    I posted way more then i was going to only wanted to comment on the how to water flush properly never soak it .
    Ok if any of you are interested . Get a bag of drink mix . Put that into your water. Water it . Smell your plant the next day. Smell the drink mix in the buds. I know somebody will say plants wont smell like nutrients used. Then why do plants smell like drink mix ? Ok guys hope some of this helps.
    I will not reply back on the to flush or not debate . My opinion posted .
  2. how about when a grower overdoses on nutes? How to flush?
  3. #3 trojangrower, Oct 31, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2023
    I usually just back off the nutes near the end game.
  4. MORE TESTES :eek::D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Sounds like my damn doctor. Not more tests . I already know im messed up doc why do we need to prove it ?
  6. First how does a grower od on nutrients ? He puts double in not paying attention ?
    He should not be a grower. He should not take medication . Some of my meds if you took double you would sleep for ever .
    I guess in that situation you should panic ! Ow damn i put 10 teaspoons not 5 ! But if you knew you over fed why put it in ? More like you did not notice you over did them and see it later in the leaves
  7. GUILTY as charged. I normally measure powders by eye :eek: & why I switched to organics to be a bit "safer". You are absolutely correct.

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