How to flirt with girls as a girl

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by hermione420, Apr 12, 2014.

  1. I want this to be a mature discussion because I've been curious about this for a while and don't really have friends who would be able to relate to this at all. I would say that I suck at flirting overall and I especially get nervous around pretty girls. However, in the past there were instances where I could clearly tell a girl was interested and flirting with me. It took me a while to realize the flirting style women have because it's the complete opposite of how guys will flirt, which is great because I hate how most guys interact with me so I'd like to know how to affirm or flirt back with girls who are being very nice and enthused by my presence and also how to take initiative and how to start flirting with a cute girl.
    I'm very "straight" looking so I'm not particularly afraid of coming off as gay and wouldn't mind too much if the girl caught on to my attraction. Even if she was straight or uninterested, I'm sure she'd be flattered nonetheless, just really bad at flirting period.

  2. [​IMG]

    Lol, jk

    But on the real when they start flirtin jus be like, hey,you wanna get outta here?

    And get her alone to talk, kiss, whatever...
  3. As much as I dislike Miley Cyrus's nasty tongue I will disregard that meme. 
    And unfortunately I can't take someone away from prior engagements, such as work. There was a really hot girl who worked in the admission's office at my old college and god damn I wanted to do things to her and she always looked just as happy to see me so in situations like that I'd really like to know how to approach a way of verbal discourse to somehow let her know I'm interested without being too abrasive or forthright.
  4. Hey you know me, i gotta bring humor in somehow esp. When you want a friend, cuz thats what friends do, but i was real after :)

    Id jus be like, hey so and so, are you gonna be free after work today, cuz i was wondering if youd be down for drinks?
    Theres a thousand different ways to ask that question. Jus insert anything in place of drinks and if you have a different way of talkin, then use your words in there but thats how I ran game when I saw someone scopin back n the day.

    Didnt matter what movie it was, we werent watchin it anyways :ey:
  5. There's a girl in my German class and I would love to smoke her out. She gives off both the toker and gay vibe and I cannot resist :) . Maybe I should make it my personal mission to do so before the semester's over. I've been sitting two rows away from her all semester but if I purposefully sit next to her one day and ask her if she's down to smoke she'll catch on quickly
  6. aren't all girls curious?
  7. In my fantasies they are
  8. See, you already know what to say.

    Got mad game girl :D

    Jus keep it real. Real is sexy :)
  9. Nice socks...want to fuck?

    Works 60% of time, all the time.
  10. Trust me, if it wasn't absolutely absurd I'd go up to a girl and say "Your outfit is cute. And I'd really like to sit on your face."
  11. Flirting is one of those things that has evaded me unfortunately.
  12. Lmfao!

    Haha, now that's confidence!

  13. Hmm like that approach.. Maybe change the part of you sitting on her face and flip it to her sitting on ur face..i think the possibility of a complete stranger (girl) offering to lick you off is a lot more appealing than asking them to sit on them but hey your idea will probably work on most guys..even if you keep the cute outfit part
  14. I would say that, a actually It'd be more "I like your outfit, you look divine, and I really want to finger you till you shake"
  15. Haha just keeping it real
  16. Once I told a girl " I've been watching you dance all night and I can't stop thinking about tongue fucking you"

    I've found being forward is a good approach.
  17. The only time I've been really forward with a girl was via Internet and I was high as fuck and I told her she made me incredibly wet. I'd definitely like to find a girl I'm comfortable enough with to say that too for-realsies though. One day...
  18. Seriously though, just be forward, if she says no find another girl.
    Did it work?
  20. I'm kind of arrogant, but if a girl said that to me I'd pound her pussy till it was raw.

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