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How to fill an Inline?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Jarhead5153, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. This seems to me to be an apprentice toker-type question, so I'm putting it in this forum. If a mod thinks otherwise and that it should be moved to Toking Tools, that works for me just fine.

    How do I fill an inline?

    I don't have one but rather intend to be purchasing one quite soon and I want to make sure that this is an easy task. Having never seen one in person, to me they seem a complicated array of tubes. I'm sure it's not that bad, but can anyone tell me?

    I feel like a noob...
  2. its a very easy task. either pull out the bowl and put water through the gong part or pour it in through the top at the mouthpiece. inlines require hardly any water also
  3. No worries, dude. :hello:

    If it's just a straight tube, down-stem, and bowl, just pour some water down through the top until it is covering about half the down stem. Search some bong hits on youtube and look how they have filled it.

    If you have one of those fancy bongs with 17 ash catchers and 5 percs... then i cant help you, but i would like to meet you :D

  4. So the water level should be maybe halfway filling the horizontal tube at the bottom? Like a few MM above the holes that are 'inline'?

  5. Exactly.

  6. Yea, fill the water to just over the slits or holes(whichever you have) and your good to go.

    Happy tokin!:smoke:

  7. Thanks! I appreciate the assistance.
  8. You pour water into it.
  9. In mine, you have to put water in the bottom where the stem goes in, and also pour it down the top to fill up your inline goodies.

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