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How to enjoy my high more?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Sharktooth777, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. Hey guys. Been a while since I've posted in here. Anyway, I love to get blazed up and just sit back and enjoy my high, but lately it seems like, although it's fun, it seems to just kind of mellow me out instead of inspire me like it used to. Is there anyway for me to increase my appreciation for the state of mind? Are there any things you would recommend doing to enhance my high, like specific activities or even specific music to enhance it? Would smoking more help?

    The only time I seem to get into a really awesome, appreciative high state is when I'm drinking along with smoking.

    What are your tips?
  2. since it doesn't "inspire" you, I'd say that you have different strains you're smoking on IMO... the "inspired" state comes from certain sativa dominant mixes only...And since you said "mellows me out", I'd take a stab saying you've got some indica on your hands, which is just the opposite high as the "inspiring" high you're probably accustomed to....
  3. Hmm, I see what you're saying. It's just some stuff from Arizona, that's really all that I know. Pretty good stuff. But you might be right, with this bud I've always felt kind of couch-locked. Just from my experience with it I'd say it's about 60-70% indica and 30-40% sativa.
  4. i dont know how to help you feel inspired while high. My only suggestion is to get a solid smoking set up. GonG will help enhance your smoking experience.
  5. #5 64bit, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2010
    Here are some ways to help increase the potency of your high:

    1. Take a t-break. Taking a t-break allows the thc to exit your body and for you to get less used to the herb. Becoming accustomed to anything can mean you don't appreciate the full potency of the herb and therefore don't get the best high. I'd say a tbreak of 3 - 4 weeks would be suitable, I know it's a long time but you'll reap the rewards later.

    2. Some scientific reports have shown that consuming mangos half hour before your session will increase your high. I can't remember the specifics involved but I'm fairly sure people can vouch for this.

    3. Try to get better weed + smoke more in a session. To be honest i find it's better to have fewer session and smore MORE weed, than have more sessions and smoke less weed.

    4. Do activies you enjoy doing. For me personally, I found out that music and the herb go together, hand in hand. I seldom get high and not listen to some kind of music and just chill back. As for the genre of music, it all depends on how you feel and the music you like. For me I love to listen to some reggae, hip-hop, rock. I appreciate all types of music and for me anything sounds oustanding when I listen to it stoned.

    I also like to just sit back and relax when I am high to fully appreciate the buzz. I feel that doing many activities can often detract from the initial high and make it not last as long.

    Hope this helps, keep on toking
  6. take a break
  7. Well you can do a few things. One take a T break it will help alot and you will feel alot more blazed after a week or two of no smoking. Ganja strains vary you can get the good inspiring weed or you can get the Sit on the couch and eat junk food kind. Also i love to walk in a forest after i smoke i feel more intune with nature
  8. It's more of a mind set.

    You've been smoking for awhile so I think you've just gotten used to getting high. It's not the same as when you first started smoking to where you feel creativity and appreciation for everything and everyday things.

    I feel ya, but you gotta just find new things to appreciate and experience. Gotta put effort into wanting to have a better time. It's always about putting 110%
  9. what i find to be the most fun is tokin up with friends then just walking around town and mess with people/shit.
  10. if paranoid or just not in a good mood put on bob marley and your troubles will melt away
  11. One time I watched Planet Earth with some Explosions in the Sky playing. Really got me thinking about life and creation. Also watched it with Pink Floyd and Bon Iver they all were crazy. Check it out.

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