Do any of you guys know of any methods that induce the same thought sequences that marijuana induces? Meditation? Hypnosis? Exercise?
I hear that 25 pounds of chocolate would do it. Other than that, try running a mile and then listen to some elevating music. How come you're looking for a substitute for herb?
I heard from a guy that shitting in a jar and letting it ferment for 7 years and then inhaling the fumes which the aged pile of fecies emits gives the same effect as smoking .2g of headies. However, if you would like to steer clear of sniffing your own shit, you might want to try out idoser. I-Doser: Binaural Brainwave Doses ?
Music is a really good substitute for me. There are times when I'm listening to a really great song in my car and I am just completely taken away by the song it literally makes me feel as if I am high as shit. That feeling of euphoria, peace and understanding. Also, what bk said above. After a great exercise go chill with something very relaxing to you and it makes you feel high sometimes. Once even a sunset got me high for like 3 minutes. It really all depends on the individual mind.
I tried iDoser before, I felt nothing from it. It gave me a raging headache after having to listen to static all the time. Hahaha. I have heard that others have used it and gotten some type of buzz.
You said you don't know where to find it? If you have ever bought before surely you can find it. And even if you haven't just ask around. i downloaded iDoser off pirate bay and it didn't do much for me either, and although this is off topic i was considering listening to iDoser from now on whenever i smoke, and then trying to listen without smoking. Do you think there is a chance my brain might recreate it?
When i wake up in the morning or after a good nap i always feel a little high but i heard people spin to get high?
If you could get high without weed I'm sure people would do that as opposed to the expensive and unhealthy way of purchasing and smoking.