Hello, Im growing in organic soil and just wanted to find out what to do with the stalks? I will use the leaves to make hash. I will use the roots in the soil but I can not figure out what to do with the stalks. I would like to keep anything weed related out of the garbage.
Exactly what i was going to say, if you dont have one of those, and your yard is fairly large find a nice corner of your yard that doesnt get much, or any traffic at all.. grind all that up into small bits and dump it in a corner of your yard, maybe throw some grass clippings (no not this kind of grass) ontop or something that doesnt make it so noticeable. You are very wise on keeping all of that out of the trash though. I can also tell you what a buddy of mine dose also, i wouldnt do it becuase im to paranoid about finger prints, but he puts everything into a large, or several large trash bags, puts it in the car and finds a dumpster behind an establishment and throws it in their after hours, personaly i like the first option better.
I do not like visible and/or accessible things sitting outside my property that would cause authorities to look inside and/or obtain a search warrant. I dump my trash illegally just like I would any other trash I can't fit in my barrels at my residence. At an industrial or commercial business park in unlocked trash bins late at night. You might think going into an industrial area late at night is suspicious. It isn't, they have strip clubs and the likes. I live in a city of millions of people (Los Angeles) and 10,000 cops. The cops have better things to do than scour industrial parks at night, especially for the three whole seconds I'm actually on the property dumping my trash before I'm back on the street. I used to dump things at a Residential Complex but then I got smart and figured eventually someone would see me and look in the trash and see what I was dumping and then find a way to find me again and it could be bad news. For this reason I do not use Residential Complexes anymore. I change locations frequently (have 10 locations off the top of my head). I scout the locations during the day, weeks and sometimes even months in advance before dumping there (I'm a paranoid person who does not want to get caught). I make SURE there are no cameras on the entry or exit route I take, and no cameras looking at the trash bin. Don't be dumping in rich neighborhoods. They have cameras and cops. Do it in a poor-ish neighborhood. Like I said, scout it out during the day. Then do some night test runs with nothing illegal. This ain't rocket science this is how to dump trash without being stupid. Basically, put the trash in black trash bags, put it in your trunk, drive down any alleyway past 5-6 oclock when people have gone home from work, and voila, instant trash success. I suggest you dump your trash after 10 PM and no later than 3-4AM (when people like me get up for work). I mean hell, usually I just put it on the front seat and drive carefully and not stoned and no cops have a reason to even look at me. Then I chuck it out the window into an open trash bin and keep driving. I don't even have to stop. Really isn't rocket science. And yes, these are 50gal bags filled about 1/3 to 1/2ish.
So for a good compost bin what else can you put in there? And could I just get something like a rubbermaid bin, maybe not such a huge one either.
compost bin. You can put things in like left over fruit, grass clipings, coffe grounds. papper. Roots of plants, harvested plants from a garden. leaves etc. They sell actual worm compost bins cheap for about 100. You can make a bin out of anything really but the ones I was looking at where odor proof. Using worms break it down faster and leave you with worm tea and worm casting. lol been doing a lot research since mad 4 reef said put it in the compost bin.
I remember as a kid, my parents had a huge garden and a huge (10x10') compost pit. We put everything in there, from grass, tree trimmings, dog poo, rabbit poo, and ALL of our food waste from the house. Turn it once a week or so, and eventually it turned into some good stuff that we turned into the garden come spring time. For a perpetual compost, 2 or 3 bins/pits/heaps is reccomeneded to keep things moving right along. Using the actual compost to grow in is great, or you can make a compost tea (search google/youtube). Oh, composting can stink and generate lots of heat. Definately an outdoor activity. FWIW, growing up in a family of 4 (with many friends over all the time), we only had to put the trash out once every couple of months... everything was either recycled or composted. It's rather sad to think about the disposable society we live in today.
i use the dumpster approach. but then again, i dont use soil. i also scout my dumpsters out, to make sure that the dumpsters i throw my waste in use normal black trash bags. no reason to be throwing black trash bags in a dumpster filled with clear ones. i also make sure u know when they pick it up. this way u can dump the night b4 and leave little doubt in ur mind that someone will see it.
You do know that if a maintenance worker is in the sewer pipe and sees Marijuana it is an easy way to get busted right? I know of a guy who actually got busted this way. I told him it would happen. The dumbshit argued with me for months about it. Well eventually the morons came knocking and in the affidavit (60-80 page document they use to prove their case), it said how they got the info...I was right. It is hard to get caught but this moron had a 700 plant grow op and was flushing plants daily. If you flush once a month not a big deal, but everyday...asking for it.
Yeah like that wouldn't smell the whole neighborhood up. This is a ridiculous suggestion. Do this if you INSIST on going to JAIL very SOON.
Eric Rudolph, the Olympic bomber in Atlanta and also bombed an abortion clinic in Birmingham, eluded a massive manhunt for months. He was caught rummaging through a dumptser late at night. Chop that stuff up and then compost or bury it.
Yeah, cops may not hang around in industrial parks but most buildings these days have outdoor security cameras cuz they're, quite frankly, sick of people dumping their old tires and whatnot in their dumpsters.