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how to deal with parents?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by L8Nrollinup, Jan 19, 2014.

  1. Ok I'm really new to this forum but I have enjoyed reading some of your posts and comments, they have been helpful. Ok so my delima is with my step dad. Let me start from a few months ago when I moved back in with my parents. I have been smoking for years my mom knows and is ok with it as long as I take it out side to not stink up the house. so I would got to the the garage or back door to smoke. Now this was not working as when I would come back in and walk through the house it would stink up the house and my mom would complain. Now my step dad just got back the other bight from work he typically gone for a week at a time. But in looking for a solution to toke regularly with out disrupting my parents was to move the small plastic picnic table to my bedroom window and go out of my window. Now this system works almost flawlessly, almost meaning when its too cold or in too lazy to go out side I will cheat and smoke out of the window. I have found out that if I dont go out side some how they can smell it clear down the hall in another room. So yesterday I was told that just opening my window wasn't going to work and with that said I replied with I will go out side my window and sit on the picnic table. A little history on myself I'm a loner stoner and not by choice I live in a very rural area I have to tavel almost an hour just to get some herb. so I can't just go to my buddies or what ever. So back to my parents, I told them i was going out the window my mom laughed I guess it is a little funny. But I woke up this morning with a text from my step dad saying to use the door and that he doesnt want a window being used as a door. I'm sorry how long this is but it been bothering me since I read it. I mean the only reason I'm using the window is to not bother them. if anyone has any sugestions as to help me in my problem it woukd be great. One more thing my step dad and I haven't reallu ever gotten along. And honestly I dont like him. But I do tolerate and I put on a smile when dealing with him. Thank you all and don't roll up too tight or else you can't hit it!Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  2. If you are using a bong you can buy or make these things(can't think of what they are callled) and you just blow the smoke through It, and when it comes out theories side it smells like an air refreshener. I had the same problem with stinking the house out. But after I made one of this things it was never a problem anymore
  3. Whoops I meant the other side haha
  4. [quote name="Mind-of-a-stoner" post="19369035" timestamp="1390152810"]If you are using a bong you can buy or make these things(can't think of what they are callled) and you just blow the smoke through It, and when it comes out theories side it smells like an air refreshener. I had the same problem with stinking the house out. But after I made one of this things it was never a problem anymore[/quote]It's called a sploof and it's a toilet paper roll stuffed with dryer sheets Sent from my iPod touch using Grasscity Forum
  5. Do it outside, why are you using the window? To smoke late at night? Make edibles?
  6. The next few times you go out to smoke, use the door, but make a bit of a racket in the process. Then shortly down the line, say that you feel your making too much noise and offer the proposition of climbing out the window again. You said you sometimes cheat and smoke out of the window instead, all I'm saying is prepare to be busted.

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