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how to deal with a skimpy dealer

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by lil leg, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. i recently picked up a quad (7gs) and i scaled it at home 5.5. the quad was supposed to be a hook up from my freinds brother.
    also im new to here is talking about selling weed not allowed
  2. call him asking to buy an ounce of dank,then beat his ass with your homies and take it
  3. Msg him.. be like "yo i scaled it out and its only 5.5gs"

    not rocket science, dont be scared or intimidated by a dealer, they are just people looking to make some money :smoke:

    If he denies it, just never buy from him again.
  4. this topic is fine.

    but anyway just straight up tell him.

    i weighed it and it was only 5.5.

    if he values you as a customer it wont happen again, if not you'll find someone else.
  5. Yea this is how u should handle it
  6. why not rob him like he robbed you????

  7. cuz weed is not worth getting killed over.

    especially not 20 dollars worth.
  8. thats your opinion:D
  9. two wrongs dont make a right
  10. but two rights dont make a wrong
  11. ^immaturity at its finest
  12. of course not, they make two rights.
  13. But three rights make a left!

    Like everyone else has said here, call him out on it. Don't call him out on it in a way that will look like you accusing him of being a cheap-ass even if he is. If he just made an honest mistake and he is a cool person, everything should be smooth. If he is an ass about it, just don't buy from him again. There are plenty of cool dealers and plenty of scumbags, just weed out the scumbags.
  14. four rights make you continue going the way you originally were
  15. ^^ I just got mind fucked.
  16. i would but hes a girl i know brother and i would like to stay neutral
  17. hes a girl? whoah man, heavy shit
  18. Most shady dealers will short you if they feel like you won't call them out on it. Call her out, and if she refuses to compensate you, respond with a polite "Fuck You", and find a better dealer.
  19. i dont think hes saying the dealer is a girl. hes saying hes the brother of a girl he knows.

  20. Over 9000 rights make a bong, Then you load a bowl with your 5.5 and rip that shit homes!

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