i've read things like plant other smelly plants, but i dont think it'll work (as do alot of other people on here think) the smell is the only thing that makes me worried about my grow.... no one can see them 6ft wooden fence around whole yard big intimidating guard dog no parents housemate smokes weed and is fine with me growing small dead end street as you can see everything else is covered, just not the smell...... outside grow btw any ideas ( preferable cheap an easy)?
Nope, can't be done. One of the benefits of an indoor grow is that you can channel and filter the odor. But with an outdoor grow you will not be able to stop the stink.
aarrgghh thats not what i wanted to here! lol define greenhouse...... i was thinking of building a little 'greenhouse' using green mesh fully enclosed, held together with a bit of wood..... now, will this still let plenty of sun in in? will it help retain the smell? would have the benefits of bug protection aswell i assume? anymore info? thanks guys
I'm no expert, but it sounds to me like you would be best off building a growing cabinet in your situation. On top of all the smell concerns you have to deal with, you'd also have to contend with the fact that everyone you have over to your house that looks out the back window or smells the FUNK coming from your yard will know that you're growing a large amount of cannabis. That's great bait for thieves. On the other hand, if you grew indoors you could scrub the air, disguise the cabinet to look like something that would be perfectly reasonable in any room of your house (an armoir, a dresser, a nightstand), and you could grow all year round instead of seasonally. Good luck mang
Plywood and mesh is not a greenhouse. Mesh won't hold the odor back and will block a significant amount of sunlight. You keep stabbing at this issue, in two different posts, and in spite of hearing the same thing over and over you keep trying to find a "silver bullet" that will fix the problem. But there is not silver bullet. I think it's time for you to take a reality check -- you aren't going to make this outdoor idea work and keep it stealthy.
A sealable room with glass roof panels,nothing stealth about it and proly not the silver bullet your lookin fur. I have seen a room within a room so stealthy know one would know it's right under their nose,a bookshelf for a door so secret you would be the only one who ever knew about it. Or like someone said many other household items can be converted or built to spec. This shit is endless to the possibilities and your imagination is the only limiting factor.