how to correctly store pollen

Discussion in 'Cannabis Breeding' started by cannaman90, Sep 5, 2012.

  1. Can any one give any tips on collecting & storing pollen for long periods of time?
  2. The only way I've ever heard of it lasting any length of time is to immediately refrigerate it to just above freezing after collection, and use a dessicant in the container. Old "Whorehay" said he's kept it viable for a year. Personally, I've never been able to keep it good. Good luck.
  3. Dessicant do you mean a o2 remover
  4. Yes, like the little packs that come in beef jerky. You can buy them in larger packs too. They're called damp rid.
  5. Sweet thanks for the help I've bred them with a tooth pick before but this is the first time trying to store it
  6. I store my pollen in an old vitamin bottle my freezer, with one of those desiccant Crystal sachets, for about 10 years, stuff seems ok too, but this year I'll be keep taking track of different strains, I also store my seeds in their too, I know I shouldn't as they say it shortens their viability ..but again they just keep popping up.


    ps I apply my pollen by using a small artists paint brush, well

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