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How to correctly apply flame to a pipe

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Jackman6123, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. Hi, today I got my very first pipe, its small, glass and the spoon design I am wondering what is the proper way to apply the flam to the bowl. Do I hold it there the entire time I am inhaling or prior to it. I ask this because I feel like I am burning the weed a lot. Thanks.
  2. Hold the flame NEXT to the bowl, instead of above it. Then angle it so the flame is barely even touching the green, then inhale.

    It's called cornering, get used to it!
  3. Thanks, the pipe glows bright orange when you light up with it I dig it
  4. You can either light a corner of the bowl, or the whole thing. (Cornering is better for groups)

    But you should hold the flame on the bowl, while your taking ahit, for 1-3 seconds, until it starts rolling by itself. You don't need to keep the flame on it if it is already burning.
  5. You should not hold the flame onto the weed for more then a couple of seconds.
    Read here to learn hos to properly use a spoon:
  6. make sure to light it with the orange flame, not the blue.

    the orange flame makes a cherry and you won't have to light it every time you want to take a hit.

    takes a few times to get it right. :smoke:
  7. NYCdeisel already explained the "how to". All I can say is don't bother with this "cornering" shit you hear about.
  8. I always seem to get the most out of the bowl if I corner it
  9. I honestly don't use cornering either. If I really need to get the most out of a bowl I just flip the weed over and theres usually fresh green to be had.
  10. I corner the bowl. But it's more of a habit. I don't really even think about it.
  11. That's like saying you get the most out of a bag of chips if you eat the smaller ones first.
  12. Flawed analogy, eating does not equal burning. I'm way too high to explain where I was going with that sentence :smoke:. I smoked a bowl (cornered it of course) of Purple Kush-Blue Dream hybrid, then ate a hash brownie a while ago and I'm super high right now
  13. Cornering a bowl isn't going to make you any higher than not cornering the bowl, thus the simile to eating all the small chips in the bag first & vice versa. Either way, they end in the same result; after you're done smoking the bowl the chips are going to be gone.
  14. I gotta say im not sure here. You see your lungs have a "Limit" to how much THC they can absorb in one hit. It's very possible that because of cornering, you are taking multiple small hits, Allowing your lungs to rest for a good many breathes and then taking another small hit. Rather if you take that one big hit and light all the bud, Your lungs could possibly not have the ability to absorb all the THC in that one big hit. Kinda like the way you cant shove an entire bag of chips in your mouth.....But you can fit one or two and came back for another one or two in a minute or so.......Lets keep this analogy thing rolling haha.

    P.S. *Disclaimer* I am not a scientist, I do not know the numbers for how much THC can be absorbed, I am just pointing it out.
  15. #15 RepentYeNbelievethegospel, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2010
    I think that if you torch the whole thing, you wont be able to cash it ALL in one hit(or else you would just pack snaps), and so smoke may come directly off of the bowl that could otherwise be inhaled by you.
    Personally I dont corner because I like to pack snaps/one hitters, I just throw a pinch in the bowl and it cherries until its completly cashed.

    I dont how this got into a discussion of how much THC your lungs absorb, because thats an entire other subject.
  16. Word. It started when someone said they get most out of the bowl by cornering it. To each his own.
  17. sorry but


    corning bowls is only good because it lets you get more hits out of one bowl for everyone to get some greens. howevever when smoking alone it's best to take as big of rips as you can, and try to clear it in one. this is because the massive amount of smoke stretches your capilaries, and that smoke contains more THC than the other smoke, thus breaking the blood brain barrior sooner. that's where the term "you gotta cough to get off" originated. it originally was a way to say take as big a hit as you can. you want all the thc in your body sooner rather than later. but it's been hijacked by people who don't know how to smoke bongs and choke like little toddler bitches the second that smoke hits their chest. cowards.

    now to the person that says thc is absorbed at different rates?
    that's false. thc is absorbed into the body about 72 hours post smoke. that's why for about three days after you quit smoking to always feel sluggish and unmotivated. because thc is still being absorbed into your lungs. that also explains why some people usually with no tolerance still feel high the next morning. the size of your hits, and the amount of green your burnt at once do not effect the way thc is absorbed.

    When smoking with a group of other people, especially when it's not your weed, it's just polite to section off your hit. that's all it is, courtesy so everyone can get a yummy green hit. it won't get you higher, it won't do anything other than show that you are courtious to your fellow pot head.

    </thread> again.
  18. <thread>
  19. Cornering saves buds to a huge degree. When I smoke alone I have to pause a few seconds in between bowl hits, or I feel like putting it down for a second, if I roach the top of the bowl without cornering the whole thing cherries and starts burning. THAT is a huge waste. Cornering on the other hand, less is burning and so it is more of a controllable smoke. You save green. I guess it depends how you smoke it, I like to relax back and smoke it casually. Not "must get high must get high FUCKIN HOLD IN 24 SECONDS GO GO LIFTOFF" bullshit
  20. Ripping the shit out of it gets me ripped as fuck. DUH.

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