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How to clear your sinuses via vaping

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CocoPops, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Hi guys, got really high a couple days enough and found myself blocked up with a cold...

    The bud helped, however I just couldn't manage to clear my sinuses and was having trouble breathing, so I put the MFLB to each nostril in turn and took a hit :D

    Problem solved :smoke:
  2. Remind me to NOT use your MFLB When Im over next time......;)
  3. Ill have to try just getting high like that when i get a MFLB.
  4. Did you stick the stem up your nose or did you hit it native :cool:
  5. lmao! :hello: was the hit harsh?
  6. I'm doing this as soon as I pick up some more dank buds, my sinuses have been fucking with me for like 2 years.
  7. I did this once with the whip to my vape, it sorta dries your nose making the mucus more bearable than that runny, clogged shit.

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