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How To Clean Out My Pipe? (pics included)

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by EastCoastSwag, Aug 13, 2012.

  1. Ok so I got this pipe Here it is in the pictures from a side view and inside the chamber. It's metal. So to regard to my question, Should I try to smoke whats in it or can I make something out of it? What do you guys think of the pipe? And since I don't got a pipe cleaning brush how do I clean it?

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  2. #2 Money May Kerr, Aug 13, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2012
    Ahh a chamber pipe...They're okay, would rather use something else to be honest due to it's complexity if something ever happened provided you keep your stash in there. Thats up to you though so whatever your preference because in the end you still get high

    Take it completely apart and put it in a bad with 91% isopropyl alcohol and salt... Shake vigorously for a few min and most of it will come out.

    Personally I don't like smoking resin, so I would say no.

    If yes, just do isopropyl alcohol and the pipe without the salt in a bag, let it evaporate on a dish and scrape it up.

    It's not the same as hash at all as there is little thc and not the most pleasant to smoke IMO. Usually used as a last resort when you're outta bud
    • Like Like x 1

  3. Alright thank you.

  4. Do all of the above, but after youve soaked it in the alcohol and salt mixture, run boiling water through it. When i do this to my pieces they nearly look new again. let us know how it turns out.
  5. Will do, I will post pictures of the chamber when done. :D
  6. Put it in the microwave in a bowl of water, or boil water and put it in. Let it boil for like 10-20 minutes (or microwave for 2 min and wait and repeat till its gone). ISP wash also works, but I find you get the same effect with boiling water, and it's more hands free cause the bubbles wash it off.
  7. Oh and my friend has the same pipe, haha it's tight but harsh.


    Guy has the right idea :cool:

  9. Yeah this pipe gets my baked!
  10. Salt and alcohol my friend.
  11. Sounds good thank you everyone.

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