Sorry if I'm posting in the wrong section, but it seemed like the actual one. Thing is, I've never had a bong before, and I just got one recently. It's great, just a small no brand one footer. But, the slide has built up quite alot of resin, and I would like to clean it. Paper clips aren't exactly working though haha. Any suggestions?
Cool. Do you know of any other methods? I'm sick as a dog and can't really go anywhere. Would salt and water work?
Warm water might work. The salt acts as an abrasive to remove some of the resin but the iso helps break it down. Some members use simple to clean their glass but I can't comment on it as I haven't used this method yet. My sister has been home from college (I don't dorm) so I've been behind myself on cleaning and now that it's been a few weeks without a cleaning (usually once a week) the resin on my bong is caked on. I might be going up to walmart to buy the simple green and letting the bong soak in it for a night. People who use simple green will plug up the stem hole and fill the bong with simple green (its reusable) and all it takes is a few rinses and its like new. It's great to as every other day to once or twice a week all you gatta do is fill it with simple green when you finish smoking and the next time you smoke you got a clean bong.
That's cool, when i get a few bucks I'll try the iso out.. Yeah, I think I'll smoke one last bowl out of it, then try warm water and salt. Thanks for the help, +rep.
lol warm water and salt wont work the salt will just dissolve.... Hot water will take some off though.
Buy grunge off, soak said bowl for at least a couple hours in a container you put the grunge off in, rinse then enjoy your slide that should look brand new! Just buy a Tupperware container with a sealable lid and pour GO in and you can continually soak your shit in it whenever you want.
The hotter the water the better. I wouldn't suggest boiling water as that could crack the glass. If you ony use hot water try scraping the resin out with a toothpick, pipe cleaner, or q-tip.
i use q-tips dipped in 70% is alcohol and it works perfectly. u just dip it in the iso and then stick it in the slide and all the resin just sticks to the q tip. then just grab some dish soap and put a small drop in the slide once ur done to clean out the alcohol and rinse it out with some water and ur done.
If you're sick you shouldn't be smoking! Rubbing alcohol & kosher salt will work better than forumla 420 or anything else. Since you don't wanna leave your house you can run your glass in boiling water for 30-60 seconds and that should break up the resin for you to use a qtip to wipe out, however expect to have unremovable tar on your sauce pan for a long time, which is why i don't boil, just alcohol & kosher salt for a few mins, Comes out sparkling new each time. Same for brass and glass pipes too