How to clean a grinder screen?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by Swisher420, Jan 24, 2013.

  1. I have looked on GC a bit for a good way to clean a grinder screen, but haven't seen anything specifically for cleaning screens. Was told to put it in a bag with alcohol and salt.... will the alcohol effect the metal at all??

    My screens pretty clogged up and isn't catching as much kief as it should...:smoking:
  2. Make iso hash with it.. I did it once and got enough to top a bowl or get a dab.. Tasted dope too!! so ya man 91% iso and just shake it around in there than empty on pyrex dish leave out overnight then scrape the plate and what comes up is hash.
  3. Dope. Thanks, I'll try that. Also, so you don't need the salt?
  4. Not if you want to smoke what you pull out of it..

  5. NO SALT:cool:
  6. Salt is for the resin to loosen up, so unless you're smoking OUT of your grinder, don't use salt.

    ISO and a plastic bag is all you need, and something to evap the ISO so you can reclaim the keif
  7. What I've always done is take apart the grinder, fill a ziplock bag about half an inch with 91% isopropyl alcohol, and put each piece in individually, shake it around for 10-15 seconds and repeat with the other pieces. Then I empty the bag on a rectangle dish and let it sit overnight then scrape up the extract with a razorblade.
  8. U could prob still smoke it with salt , since the salt wouldn't carbonize, melt, or combust. But I'd still do it without the salt.
  9. Yup, and then wash the grinder with warm water so theres no alcohol residue and put it in front of a fan for a few hours to completely dry.
  10. #11 YoSmokinMan, Jan 24, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2013
    ^Iso isn't leaving any residue behind. Once it's dry no need to rinse it with water, not even to be safe. That's why it's safe to smoke qwiso, nothing is left after evaporation and it happens in minutes.
  11. yeah I don't wash it out, since that would make it take a lot longer to dry. I just leave all 4 pieces on a paper towel and in minutes they are bone dry ready to use.
  12. Ok so i was toking today while wiring in some new speakers and figured out that 20 gauge speaker wire will clean the screen completely when the strands of wire are rubbed up against the screen. The little strands of wire in speaker cable aren't strong enough to break the screen, atleast not on my Hush Crush. Hope this helps.

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  13. All of the above.  Plus freezing your grinder first should loosen up your kief and make it easier to clean.  I have heard lots of people using a tooth brush to get into the grooves.
  14. Does it have to be a Pyrex dish?

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  15. What I do is if its really clogged, I put some iso onto the screen. Since its clogged it won't pass thru the screen at first. But within some time the iso will work thru it and fall out. Then I run warm water thru the screen. The rushing water plows outs what's left in the screen. Then I let it dry. For grooves you can use a tooth brush or a qtip.
    That's what I do about every zip or two.
  16. i did qwiso the other day, on a 5 year old grinder thats never been cleaned, mental is all i can say. really fucking mental
  17. Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaner ($30)
    and iso alcohol 70-99%
  18. Soak it in rubbing alcohol and use an old toothbrush to lightly brush. Will come out like you just bought it.
  19. i use an old, small painting brush dipped in iso or 100% acetone...then wipe and done. if i dont feel like dealing with chemicals, just toss in freezer for 15-30 mins, then smack it in on my kief mirror...quick scrub with brush, done.

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