So my bong is beyond dirty but I can't get shit outta it for example, right where the perc. is there is a bunch of debris or some disgusting crap like that. So I was wondering if someone could give me a step by step instructions on how to clean it.
Good job trying to be helpful, but you failed. Also, there's a search button at the top. Works pretty good, you should try it out OP.
Lol there's a sticky thread about it... but short answer is ISO alchohol and salt shake rinse and repeat...also a host of cleaning products you can buy at the head shop....grunge off works excellent.
if he didnt I would have its common fucking knowledge these days to refer to self helping nature of the human brain. Iso and salt will do ya. Nothing else, nothing better. Simple green takes to long. who wants to soak their bong over night? fuck that.
I wouldn't say there's nothing else.....yes it's expensive but I buy grunge off from a LHS and i literally dump like 2 tbsp in my piece shake/agitate to coat the inside and let it sit for 10 min...rinse it with warm water and it literally looks like brand new.
if this bitch is as dirty as you say it is.. iso and salt will take you a lot of physical energy and shaking to get your "beyond dirty" bong clean again.. i say go to home depot buy a gallong jug of simple green, and soak the bitch for a night.. right before you go to sleep and rinse it out when you wake up.. but have some iso and salt on hand because the simple green will basically loosen the resin up from the glass then you come in with iso and salt to really scrape it off.. but the simple green will take off the majority of the mess... grunge off is better then simple green and its re-usable just like simple green, but its more expensive for less... just keep up on weekly/bi-weekly cleaning of your bong and it will be like hitting a new tube every time...
I try to keep whatever i'm smoking out of as clean as possible. Letting too much build up is going to be destructive to the taste, also the more build up the harder it is going to clean it down the actually end up using more cleaning products because of how the resin solidifies to shit over time. So if you really want to smoke a clean piece...clean it before you smoke in the morning, smoke out of it all day...change the water during the day. If you make it a ritual its kinda nice to smoke out of a clean piece daily.
if your as lazy as i am just soak it in simple green over night and use something else for 24 hrs. that's what i do with everything.
i LOVE 2 clean bongs! even do it for my fellow smokers for free here is how with sum pix for proof! get simple green!!! no need to leave it soak 24hrs, 2hrs is more than enough!!! get a rubber stopper while you're at home depot for the downstem hole to plug it. fill the bong up, leave it for 5mins to do its magic then shake it for bout 30 seconds, let it sit for 1hr, then shake it again for 30 seconds, let it sit another hr and shake it and rinse should be shinny!!! like new here are pic of the most filthiest bong i have cleaned with this method!!! --- --- AFTER ---
jaja i'll ignore the potential racial comment, i have no idea i never let my glass get this bad, i got this tube in such condition through a third party... as for the sig thanx! this is the watered down version i had 2 remove the other for violation of rules
i clean my bong every other day looks like new all the time i use just iso and a tooth brush and some q-tips looks like the day i got it right now
Yeah.. I had a pipe once that was so built up with resin that i dropped it one day and it spidercracked all over and didnt break... pieces of glass came off and here is this perfect mould of a pipe.. bowl and all with carb and everything so i smoked out of it for like a week before throwing it out...