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How to Bring it Up?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by RedeyeJedii, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. #1 RedeyeJedii, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    How should I approach my family doctor about asking for a rec.?
    It's for severe insomnia, most nights I'll go to bed around 11 or when im tired, and just lie there trying to fall asleep for 2-3+ hours and it has impacted my everyday life pretty badly since I realized the reason i wasnt sleeping was insomnia in high school. Grades dropped because I couldnt concentrate in class and all that good stuff :mad:

    I refuse to take any prescribed pills or over the counter medication.. I'm not gunna start taking anything like that. Since trying pot it has helped me sleep better but I'd prefer to not be breaking the law all the time.
  2. I would say approach it in the most comfortable way you feel asking and talking about it..if it's your family doctor I'm presuming you've been to him a few times and are probably pretty comfortable in general with him. So if anything just be know man, I've been having some severe insomnia for a couple/few years (don't know your age), and was wondering if you have any advice on what I should do about it..then just bring up that you did some research on MMJ and it's impact on insomnia or something like that. Don't be embarrassed or anything..and just try to bring up MMJ as quick as possible. Also let him know that you don't want to take any kind of prescription drugs or anything of the man-made sort. :wave:
  3. Thanks, its what I was planning to do anyways but it reassures me that my plan is solid.
    I don't really want to make it seem like im just a user who wants it for the weed. I want it to quit breaking the law lol. (Although the extra-dank weed doesn't harm anything :D)
  4. For me, I was having severe back spasms and my doctor kept prescribing Soma like crazy (which I hate taking). I basically just told him "here's the deal: You can right me a Soma prescription if you want; I'm not going to fill it, I'm not going to take them. Marijuana helps me way more than Soma or any other prescription ever has... I can do it legally or illegally, but either way I am going to do it". That was a more direct approach, but he agreed with me and I got my card. Just be sure to be polite and if he shoots down your idea, find another doctor who isn't as closed-minded.
  5. A few studies from the "SLEEP MODULATION" section of my list wouldn't hurt! (Click the first link in my sig)

    Granny :wave:
  6. Tell him you've been smoking for a long time and that it makes you function in the way that you want to, and that while you enjoy being his patient, you're willing to go to another Dr. for the rec. That should do it. If not, then just go to another doctor.

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