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How to break it to my brother....

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bigdankin, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. I am 21, my brother is 27. We have talked about smoking before and back when we talked about it, I had only smoked 2 times and he had smoked 3. He seemed pretty luke warm about it too. I want to tell him I smoke so I can stop hiding it but I am kinda worried what he will think.

    For a little background, my brother has been my role model since I can remember. What he thinks means a lot to me, we are pretty much best friends.
  2. sounds like a hard situation, but your brother should love you no matter what, right?
  3. Yeah I suppose. I do good in school and everything... have a good job... I'm not reclusive or anything like that. I just can't figure out if it would be better to not tell him at all or to just tell him.

  4. If he has smoked himself he probably won't care unless you become a stereotypical pot head. Whenever the subject comes up say you have had trouble telling him because you were scared of what he would think or say. Then break the news. If he really is like a best friend to you he will accept the fact that you smoke. Just make sure you use marijuana responsibly.

  5. how do the conversations go wen you guys talk about weed? if its positive then why not? maybe hes holding back too
  6. I haven't seen my brother in 8 years (he lives far) and when I do randomly talk to him once a year or two, I decided I wanted to let him know about my weed habits as he was always and always will be probably the person I love the most in the world, was totally my role model growing up, cannabis is something I really love and so naturally you want to share your passion with someone that important. Well I was on the phone with him and the first thing he started talking about was ragging on some pothead haha, so I never told him, he still doesn't know to this day I don't think.

    I miss my brother :(
  7. Well, I kinda found out my sister smoked once (she's 28, in law school) and I told him I smelled it in her apartment. He said, "I'm not surprised, she probably needs it with all the shit she deals with."

    Normally we hate on stereotypical potheads if there is conversation about it. He doesn't deny the medical applications of MJ and he also agrees that it's equal to alcohol in most aspects (he still thinks weed is a little worse -I think-). I think if it ever comes up again, I will just tell him but in the mean time I will do my thing.
  8. Next time you two are chilling alone, pull out a fat blunt, light it without a word. then pass it. simple as that

  9. Ahahahah! I really like that idea actually.
  10. the worst he is gonna say is,

    a) what the fuck are you doing
    b) yeah man let me hit that shit!

    he'll say b. no one passes a fat blunt...
  11. true man true

    and fuck it why do you have to come out and flat out say I SMOKE

    be like yo i got some buds lets go outside or if its cool to smoke inside just roll up a jay and be like ayyyyyyyyyyyyy and just hold it in front of him :smoke:

  12. hell yeah. no stoner (in this case recreational smoker) passes that shit up! and if they do its not like theyre going to lecture you.
  13. yea worst that wouold happen is he would be like maan put that shit out smoke that outside

    Or just say shit man dont be smokin that shit

    But 9 times outta 10 i would say pass 'er over
  14. I went through the same situation with my older sister, I never wanted to tell her because I thought she might look down on me because I know she doesn't really for weed, but one day it kind of came out, and I realized that she doesn't think it matters and your siblings will love you no matter what, not because of what you do or if you follow in their foot steps. Don't sweat it bro.
  15. Yeah, I think it would be safe to tell him. He might not like the idea at first, but as long as your life is on track and you aren't pouring all your money into it, he'll accept it over time. Or, he might just laugh and offer to match you.

  16. Even if it's not positive, he'll still love you. My brother was straight good kid throughout highschool never drank anything. He asked me if i smoked or drank or anything and i said a little and he didn't get mad at all just told me to keep my ass outta trouble and keep it away from Mom and shit like that.
  17. my whole family knows i smoke except for the Uncles and Aunts, Im 23 years old and going to be a student in the medical field. I told my brother who is 9 years older than me and is a scientist, when i told him, hey i smoke weed here and there, he asked me do i do it every day? (cus he knows i like to cushion the situation) i told him only on weekends, then he looked at me and said yah im allergic to that shit, first time i smoked i couldnt breathe, then we started laughing. if your brother is close to you like you said he is, then there will be an understanding. ( i am convinced that my brother is not allergic to weed, i think he just got really high LOL)
  18. When i was 16, I was rolling a blunt in the kitchen with my friend, and my older sister walked in...

    just kept rolling, no biggie. Many good years have passed since then =D

    I'd just offer him some if you think its a good idea, i mean what's the harm? If he doesn't want to, he doesn't want to. I doubt anyone who has smoked before would go batshit crazy if you offered them a blunt...
  19. We live in the 21st century. If you know how harmless weed is your probablly either living under a rock or your just dumb.

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