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How to break bricks

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Sonymon, Feb 22, 2009.

  1. #21 flowerchild, Feb 22, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2009

    i smoked shcwag/brick for a looong time and not once did i EVER see weed this bad.
    the shit i got was always kinda flat but bright green and had a good smell to it

    oh and to answer the OP's question, just bang it's corner on a hard surface hard as fuck to loosen it up or something--
    if that doesn't work a knife will! :p
  2. Either break it up in big chunks with like a small screwdriver keeping sift/shake to a minimum. Along time ago a friend of mine got brick all the time, if you put it in the microwave for about 20 seconds it fluffs it out and makes it easier to break up, this will not damage weed at all I would do the 20 seconds and if not enough 10-15 second intervals until bud fluffs out.

  3. I do not mind this kinda of brick weed, great for blunts.
  4. best way to do it is get a large frying pan full of 1/4-1/2 inch of water. then get one of those splatter screens you put over the pan when your cooking with oil.

    set the brick on the screen and turn on the heat itll puff up and you can pick the nugs easily. just let them sit on the screen for a couple hours and dry out. what i have always done
  5. I saw some high mids last night in brick form. Must've been a HP or more. Light green and red, no seeds.

    Beautiful light green brick, but very very bricked. Too bricked for me. Guy only wanted $280 a QP and even though I'll smoke it it's just hard to have it sit around in brick form.
  6. best way is just to pull it apart with your hands

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