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how to beat being burnt out.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by c0dyb, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. i love smoking weed and all but i hate like 2 hrs into the high i start to feel like shit tierd and gloomy .. most people say get better weed, im not smokin mids i got some sour dro right now... any tips on how to beat the burnt out?? thanks gc
  2. if you call your weed "sour dro" i doubt you know the difference between mids and dank, get better weed haha
  3. Vape the weed, that's all I can think of lol. Or you can try getting some sativa but its still going to make you a bit burnt out , that's what smoking weed does.
  4. try to eat something that'll raise ur blood sugar. like a nice big glass of OJ.
  5. ^
    Kush and OJ are the components to a successful day
  6. OJ always gives me a little kick and keeps me awake. It's nothing noticeable until your like "Shit, i'm still awake?" On that note, im tired with no OJ, bye bye GC.
  7. i always grab some odwalla juice or some naked juice if i plan on blazin all day.

    its amazing right after you drink it you feel great all over again.

    its all about eating right, its not the weed burning you out, its the nutrition that is i bet.

    i started eating better with my smoking and i feel great now.

    but when i have no food and blaze i just fall asleep and have zero motivation
    • Like Like x 1
  8. I know exactly what you mean. Dank or mids, I will often get tired..mids do make it worse but some tips I have found.

    Drink plenty of water before after and while smoking. Staying hydrated helps prevent burn out BIG TIME.

    Buy a vape, I just got one love it.,...very clean high

    Don't eat until coming down to refuel, and drink something like OJ or apple juice etc..

    Good luck :wave:
  9. Hydration! Most people don't drink enough liquids everyday (myself included) and by properly hydrating yourself you can battle burning out, dreaded red eyes, and of course, cottonmouth.
  10. Dude, put a question mark instead of a period in your title. Getting me confused and shit. I thought, I'd come here and find how to beat being burned out.
  11. What about Lipton's Green Tea? The diet kind, by the way. Feeling pretty groggy right now.
  12. arizona iced teas work wonders :O
  13. take vitamins, eat fruit, & drink water, you'll feel better today & tommorow

  14. Quick question - how does vaping prevent burn out?
  15. If you go out and do something that helps. Ex:) Me and my friends toke and go longboarding for like 5 hours. You won't be sleepy after that, but you'll be sore and exhausted haha. But if your not engaged in an activity, I hear OJ helps.
  16. This all day.

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