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How to act chill

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by 93TheHitStick, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. Well someone is gonna smoke me up tomorrow. Sadly the only time we can make this happen is lunch. So that means i will be going to two periods keyed tomorrow. Any tips on how to act normal? When i am really high i smile a lot and laugh a bit. I'm not loud but its kinda easy to tell when i have a perma grin on my face. Also my eyes get really low. So everyone can tell from that and they get red too. Any tips on how to play all these things off so i don't get called out on being blazed?

    Is there away to save eye drops for later? Like i have some eye drops but there not mine. I wanna just take some to school without taking the whole bottle. Any tips on how i can do that?
  2. Regular eye drops you can put on and last for about 4 hours unless you have the pricey ones which last for 12 hours.
  3. Just make sure to geek really hard at whatever your teacher is saying, and keep saying "Whaaat? What are you saying?" during class.
  4. Just keep to yourself and enjoy. :smoke:
  5. what ever you do, don't break out into song...
  6. Okay, I like this thread and I hope you get a lot of good advice on this, cause I used to have the same thing. You will get used to acting normal in public in time. That's just what it takes, experience. But for right now, just try to be confident and don't think about it. Most of the "weirdness" just comes from you sketchin out because you thought you were sketchin out. So if you just don't think about it, it won't happen. Make sense? I ask that because I'm writing this completely blazed:smoke: Also, another trick is to just gloat to yourself kinda, like "I'm high and your not so what!?" feel me?
  7. Just play it off. As long as you don't smell like trees and/or have a stoner reputation saying you're sleepy works fine.
  8. dude just dont worry about it. ive realized that if u just keep ur miuth shut and sit there no one will think anything. i probably look more stoned in class when im sober cua im always zoning out and when im blazed im tryin to pay attention so i dont fuck up haha
  9. lol if anyone asks don't tell them you're high
  10. Just start crying. Then no one will think your high.

  11. LMAO:smoke:
  12. Most importantly, if you feel people are cathing on, break into spasms, and yell fowl language. You might just be able to convince them your possessed :O
  13. I sliced my woodwork teachers thumbnail off stoned in class along time ago.
    It grew back all wonky.
  14. Yeah it's all in your head, just enjoy the high and know it's your own personal high that no one can tap into. They don't know.
  15. Bro wtf? Its not all in my head. When i go to class high everyone asks me if i'm high. And girls say it out loud and talk about it to try to get me in trouble.
  16. I hate to be "that person" here, but I would say the obvious answer is "don't get high and go to class". :poke:

    Getting high during lunch is not worth risking your schooling over. What is lunch anyway, half an hour tops? You get high and enjoy it for a few minutes and then you have to go to class and spend the rest of the time trying to "act sober".

    I did it a couple times when I was in school too, but I look back now and realize how pointless it was to risk my education just so that I can get high during lunch time.

    Save it for after school, in my opinion. You'll enjoy it much more that way, and you may just have less regrets in the long run. ;)
  17. Get some mint gum or cough drops.

    It freshens you up, so you're still high but it is easier to maintain yourself. You can focus on the taste in your mouth and the high isn't so intense. And it makes you/your breath smell like mint.

    Get some eye drops from a friend or a gas station and you're set!
    Good stoner school package.
  18. I hate to say it, but i agree with you, as long as this person is a decent friend, there is always the weekend, if not, just take it as a loss, and recoup your mind for another chance.
  19. Just pick your nose when someone suspects that you are high. They won't even notice those blood-shot eyes. ;)
  20. 'Get yo self some shades FOOL!!' :D

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