how the hell do you use a magnifiying glass?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by denieddd, Sep 30, 2011.

  1. specifically the one from radioshack where it has the light, and the focus and zoom in scroll.

    whenever i look through i cant tell shit. even when it take out a nuggy i cant get it to focus at all
  2. I think I have the same one you do. Put it straight onto a flat surface with the plastic side pointing down. Set the zoom to its lowest setting and look through the lens. Play with the focus until you can see something. I used a dollar bill to focus it. I haven't found a way to use it if its not stable and against something though..
  3. They can be tricky since the zoom and focus play against each other -- get it in focus then change the zoom and it's now out of focus.

    Agree you need to put it on a flat surface and hold it steady, don't try to hold it up to the plant (take a tiny snippet off the plant to look at). You'll get the hang of it.

  4. i like the idea of the snippet, and it will definitly help alot thanks

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