How the hell do you get left back in elementary school?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by RawStoner, Apr 12, 2013.

  1. All you have to do in elementary school is know how to wipe your nose and you're pretty much gonna go through. How do you fail at elementary school?
  2. by not knowing your ABC's n shit
  3. Because you do learn more than wiping your nose, and kids all learn at different rates.
  4. Generally 1-4th grade is where they figure out which kids have major learning/mental disabilities,like my brother, so he got held back to repeat the second grade to see if he would catch up with the other kids. There's no shame in holding a kid back early to try and help them succeed later.

    Then there's kids that just fuck around/don't listen/don't apply themselves and get held back because of bad grades which also gives them more time to mature.

    Also you learn much more than wiping your nose in those years lol.
  5. I knew a kid who had to repeat second grade because he had cancer and missed most of the year.

  6. But how?
  7. #7 RawStoner, Apr 13, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 13, 2013
    I went to a public elementary school. We barely learned anything. Most people had no problem with it, it was pretty easy to understand. Is it the curriculum or are kids just complacent because of bad parenting?

    As far as I know, kids aren't really taught serious critical thinking until at least the 4th or 5th grade. The information that precedes that is all stuff on the board or right in front of you. Even with a learning disability (and a tutor for the child who can go over each step slowly) it should be feasible, no?
  8. How do you not understand that some people are smarter/better at school than others?
  9. Lol, I bet you learned a lot. I grew up in one of the worst school districts in america and still learned a shit ton. I have always been really bad at math though and got held back in 7th grade for not being able to multiply.
  10. In 5th grade there was a kid who got caught smoking weed in the bathroom. So he got "left back" because they expelled him :laughing:
  11. apparently in kindergartener the teacher wanted to hold me back because I didn't talk very much, didn't happen though because my momma convinced her I was a smart sumbitch who just didnt like to talk to swags like her
  12. Your teacher was a bitch.
  13. I cheated, conned, manipulated, and lied my way through school.

  14. No shit, me too!

    Math faliures unite! :hello:
  15. Haha yep. Me too. Copied, cheated. Anything you can think of I did to get though that shit lol. I didn't do anything until the last parts of the year and just copied people's shit and passed with like a 66 overall just because I didn't like doing my hw. Haha. Hated homework.. So I literally never did it. Played Xbox and went outside instead.
  16. I honestly feel I learned best when I was cheating. I don't know why but something to do with the adrenaline rush of being 12 and having the answers to your spelling test in your tray, sneaking a quick look at them while doing it...

    For some reason made me really good at spelling?

    More should be looked into that. I hear people make the best decisions when they have to pee really badly, or cough/chew gum because it brings blood towards your brain. Being stressed for time also makes one work a lot better.
  17. I think if students were allowed to smoke weed before class, grades would go up.
  18. at my elementary school, you didnt get held back to my knowledge, everybody passed, same thing with middle school and high still went to the next grade, but if you were bad in a certain subject they would put you in different classes

  19. That's super depressing...
  20. I am not sure what you learned in elementary school .... but i learned multiplication, long division, parts of speech, how to construct a proper sentence, basic format of an essay, reading comprehension, phonics, basic algebra (6th/7th grade), the construct of western culture (good old social studies), and a host of other things which could easily trip up the average kid and require more time to master.


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