how sucure is grasscity?

Discussion in 'Security' started by Thatguythatgrows, Aug 21, 2011.

  1. along with all other cultivations, i have been cultivating a very serious case of professional paranoia. now i discover grasscity and it seems to be the place where rule number 1 doesn't exist. I am just curious if i.p. addresses can be traced to my house if i post pics or ask descriptive questions about what i am doing. i am sure this has been asked, but i'm new here and not that computer savvy.... are there risks involved here or is it on the whole pretty safe?

  2. Yes IP addresses can be traced. If given enough time and resources you can be found.

    I would bet though that its safer then facebook where they store every message and picture everyone in the world sends on there system. Its funny we all want privacy but we blast it on Facebook, foursquare, twitter not even thinking that not to long ago the CIA NSA paid people a whole lot of money to get the information about someone that we all freely make public.
  3. so safe to say its safe?? too much time and effort to put into little ol me.... thanks. maybe i'll feel brave enough to share pics with anonymous tokers.


  4. Basically its as safe as anything. Considering that all iPhones and Andriod phones send GPS information without you knowing it to the mothership.
  5. yeah its pretty safe, some members here have some pretty serious grow ops and dont run into any trouble with the law because of this site.
  6. not for me... no smartphone... no twitter... an empty facebook page... and 90% of those i know don't even know i smoke.. much less grow.

  7. p.s.... even my little cheap internet is hardwired... not wireless
  8. LOL sound paranoid. I would not worry about it. If you have not told anyone you grow your fine.
  9. If you are that paranoid, then by all means, DON'T POST.

  10. I agree! We were already looking up his IP time to pay sucker!
  11. thats not all because of paranoia. alot of it is beacuse of a life of simplicity. no need to be a smart ass.. it is just a question about security.. of course i won't post if i don't feel its ok.
  12. Shit.....we gotta 327 in sector b13 return to base we've been compromised :hide:
  13. HAHAHAHA :hello:

  14. + Rep :confused: for being a cop no really man i'm actually a cop :laughing:

    Just kidding :D thanks for the Rep
  15. ATTENTION To all the secret undercover cops on Grass city
    we have been compromised rally point alpha at dunking donuts double time :laughing:
  16. To the OP, this topics has been discussed at length in the security section. Bottom line: it's safe.
  17. thanks toasty... but now stoners are having fun with the thread so i'll leave it be.
  18. watch out for cops and feds they can get user accts too but remember this if they already knew they wouldnt be asking
  19. Besides this site isn't based in the US (I think it's Amsterdam). Meaning they cannot use anything you post here against you in court.
  20. thats the best piece of real info on the security of things here... thanks

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