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How soon did u fall in love with the bud?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Mstrmatthew, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. I didnt get high the first time i smoked and i went about a year before i even touched it again. But the first time i got my it changed my life. I just flat out said im never gonna go without weed again. lol

    Anyway, did u become a weed smoker the first time u smoked or did it take a while?
  2. I didn't get high my first time either, which was in late 2007. but my second time was a BLAST, around early 2008. my third time was pretty terrible actually, which was the summer of 2008. i had a bad reaction to the bud or something; i didn't smoke for a few months after that. then i just randomly started chilling with these 2 kids from my economics class last year and i've been smoking everyday since!
  3. When I realized as long as I hit Mary she will never hit me back.
  4. Instantly. I knew this was somthing that would be a part of my life forever. Infact i grew before i ever tried it. Instinctually i knew that this was somthing to be seeked out and used...
  5. I started off smoking by myself so I was pretty much hooked from the start. Took me about 3 times or so before I got high though.
  6. i did it very rarely 2 years ago, but these past 2 or 3 months i've been doing it daily =)
  7. seems like every one has a hard time getting high there first time. i didnt get high my first time either. Mainly because the time i bought of reggs, was realy 1g of down town brown, all stems and powder. it was a disapointment, but the one day my uncle droped his joint so i picked it up an saved it for that night, an man let me tell u, i was stoned for hours. he told me that the joint he lost was a b-day gift that his buddy got for him, wasnt no reggs. it was straight cronic
  8. my frist time. my friend was sleeping over and he was telling me how he couldn't smoke (he had been smoking for like a month and had just gotten into it) for some blood test he was getting. so he tells me if i want i can just smoke it all and he was gonna drink. at first i was like hell nah dawg i ain't DUMB smoking WEED i'll fucking die bro. so i get 3 or 4 deep and i'm like give that shit bro. smoke 5 bowls to the FACE and i'm just retarded. i'll never forgot laughing at nothing for hours till i passed out making peanut butter crackers with ritz and jiffy. some say love at first sight isn't real. i say pass me my girl i'm missin her.
  9. When I first started I was on some crazy anti-depressants that literally wouldn't let me get high. I tried bongs, spoons, and even a volcano just couldn't get me high. Then a year into college I go off my meds and eventually on a new type and I can get finally high. So my like 100th time smoking and I finally get high.

    I won't say I fell in love with Mary J but definitely formed a great relationship. She opened my eyes to the world of bliss that comes from drugs. Yet I'm not as super enthusiastic about weed as a number of friends I've got. I look forward to my FWB relationship with MJ. :smoking:
  10. Never. I'm in love with the idea of smoking and laughing and chilling, but I don't like how unmotivated and lazy it makes me. Anyone who says they are productive and sharp witted when they are high are fucking liars.
  11. The first time I smoked nothing happened. The second time I felt sorta "different". The third time it was ka-pow!
  12. The first and second time I did it, I felt a little giggly, but when the third time came around, the first hit knocked me off my ass and I was rolling around on the floor for two hours. I know it's not very polite, but man, I was really stoned. I'm still trying to learn to calm down while high.
  13. first time i smoked i had a 110$ in my pocket and a guy burnt 6 bowls of dank on 3 heads. When we all split up i proceeded to buy 2 ounces of upper mids for 120 (yeah im awesome). havent been sober intentionally since.

    and @ the guy talking shit on weed, Bro im productive as HELL when im high, it substitutes adderall because i dont take pharms but kthx hope ur next pickup is shitty.
  14. About 45 seconds after I exhaled my first ever hit back in early 2007 (I remember it like it was yesterday, funnily enough). Ever since I've been enlightened. :smoke:
  15. quit smoking for a month and come back and you'll see.

  16. You sir are most definitely smoking the bottom of the barrel. When I smoke I get super focused, my memory gets shot, but my focus is like a hawk. I have to write stuff down to remember it well. The way I make connections gives me a kind of super learning, but I have to write it down to seal it in. I'ts a little wierd, but I guess it's a fair trade off. I get really productive while high.

    When I vape to me everything is just interesting. And my creativity is multiplied with my attention taking a slight hit, but not big enough to be a problem. I can pop out an essay like it was nobody's business, and I am a great test taker.
  17. I was at a party the end of my senior year of high school. I always wanted to try pot before, never did though. My friend, who was a girl, got me to smoke for the first time. I didn't inhale correctly, so i didn't get high. tried it again a week later, with the same girl on the way to the beach, and was smoking ever since. A year later, i smoke about 2-3 times a week, and buy about every 3 weeks.
  18. I smoked a few times when I first started, and I got nothing but a slight change in conciousness that I would get now after one small toke. But once I smoked a little more than usual (around 3-4 time smoking), I had 'broken through' the barrier and gotten baked, and ever since then I have been smoking, taking only short breaks when needed..
  19. Hell yea I fuckin love it! Ha I am 400 miles away from home an on a cellphone wrightin this!
  20. I think the first year was more of a fling,then i fell maddly in love with mary jane when i started growing her.Watching her from seed to a living breathing plant is crazy,i had to marry her :love:

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