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how should i toke tonight??

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by reachin4cloud9, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. #1 reachin4cloud9, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2011
    A. smoke out of my bong w one perc and an ashcatcher but me ds broke so it wont go through the water on the bottom, only the perc. its also big and hard to sneak back into my house so ill probably leave it outside. probably least harsh

    B. smoke with just my ash catcher. did this last nite and it works fine but theres no carb so ill just pack snaps. i can take this back. kinda harsh

    C. smoke out of my sneak a toke. its small and crappy but gets the job done. plus i alredyhave a bowl packed in it that i started a couple hours ago. this thing conserves mad but i packed a gram in the bowl so i didnt finish it. harsh
  2. comeon i need more voters!!
  3. Bongs are the tool, when smackin my glong like a gong.
    I said it like that cause im high

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