How should I react to this situation?

Discussion in 'General' started by wakemaster17, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. Pretty dumb situation, but here it goes.

    My friend "Daniel" and I went half and half on a dub of some schwag and matched a blunt each. After we got done smoking, he wanted me to give him 5 dollars because he couldn't take the weed home. I didn't have 5, so I told him I would make sure I saved a blunt for him. We went our ways, and I ended up getting pretty smashed at a party, but I didn't smoke his blunt. The next morning, my other friend "Watson" came over and wanted to smoke, but we didn't have any bud. He had 5 dollars and said that he could give Daniel the 5 dollars for his blunt. Since Daniel originally wanted 5 dollars, I didn't think it would have been a problem. Later that night when Daniel was about to come over, I told him we smoked his blunt, but had his 5 dollars to buy another whenever he got over to my place. He flips out and decides he wants to fight me because of it. Watson doesn't want to pick sides, but he is one of the main reasons this fight is going to go down for. He has done this to Daniel several times in the past and now i'm the one Daniel is pissed at.

    All in all, how should I react? I refuse to back down from any fight, so that's pretty much unavoidable. How should I think of Watson? Are his true colors showing if he doesn't back me up and prevent the fight from happening?
  2. its 5$, i think you all should grow the fuck up
  3. Haha.

    Seriously, stop talking to Dan he sounds like he's 13.

  4. 5$? I think the more obvious point here is that it's "SCHWAG"...hah

  5. No shit. I'm not the one instigating it. I won't ever back down from a fight, no matter how old I get anyways. Too much pride. If you call me immature for that reason, there really isn't anything I can say back to that.
  6. Violence is immature. :smoke:

  7. You seem like a weed elitist. The type of person that is miserable to be around when you just want to relax. It's all green(ish) and it all gets you high, why not enjoy it? You don't have to smoke it, but hating on it is pretty snobby.

  8. i'll send you fuckin 5$ to delete this thread
  9. Anyways, given that I won't back down, what should I think of Watson? Should I say fuck him and stop hanging out with him, or should I not care? I'm getting into a fight because he is too timid to say that it's his fault. Real friends don't let their friends get into fights over something that's their fault.
  10. Dude, your friend reminds me of the fuckers I know from high school. Get away from him, give him the five dollars and tell him you think its best to no longer be friends if he wanted to fight you over a BLUNT.

    Tell him to buy one and calm the fuck down real quick
  11. and real friends dont fight over 5 dollars

    seriously man 5 bucks :laughing:
  12. 5$+Schwag = Pointless argument, Give him the 5$ BACK and drop the argument, or offer to smoke him up next time around on a fat blunt simple as that....very frivolous argument in my opinion, But in perspective you're the one who messed up by smoking the blunt, so you should just apologize. Or is that a issue for your pride?

  13. Watson already gave Daniel the 5 dollars like he was supposed to. He made it seem like he was covering my ass for smoking Daniel's weed when it was really his idea to smoke.
  14. I've already said that and apologized, but I ensured he didn't lose anything in the process. He was going to smoke the exact same amount and quality of weed as soon as he got over to my house.

    I don't care about the Daniel situation, I want to know what I should think about Watson.

  15. Then what in the world is his problem, Maybe he just feels like you kind of gave him your word, then broke his trust he had in you, so I understand why he's mad. If you're going to fight over a blunt though, you guys shouldn't even be friends.
  16. There isnt really a "situation" you need to react to.
    Your friend is just being a drama queen and making a big deal over nothing.
    Its $5 of schwag. I would pay $5 to not hit a blunt of some shitty schwag.
  17. If you knew that Watson has done bullshit like that in the past why did you allow yourself to fall victim to his vice....You should just lay low and stay away from them both, and whoever is your friend will come back to you and either apologize or forgive and forget.
  18. I don't even....

    Just shoot him and then yourself. Problem solved.

  19. :hello:

  20. I didn't know until after this whole situation started. Thanks for not being a troll like everybody else has been : /.

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