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How should I go about this?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by Jeffrey Riot, Nov 30, 2011.

  1. So, I don't have much experience when it comes to making moves. There's this girl I've been into since highschool, I've been thinking of buying her flowers. What kind of flowers should I get? Should I personalize the card? Should I have them delivered, if so, to her home or work? Or should I just bring them to her myself? Advice would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Step 1: Do not buy her flowers.
  3. step two - intiate conversation with said female. Invite her to join you at said time and said place for a fun filled event/activity. (crucial point - you already plan on going and she can come with you)
  4. Yeah, say like "Hey I'm going for coffee, stop by if you wanna"

    This makes you seem like the decision making type and not like you are requesting to be in her presence. Its a big psychological thing for girls.

    I wasn't trying to be a dick about the flower things either, its just probably not gonna go over well.

    Step 3. Be confident. Confidence makes you funny and more attractive. Don't be a douchebag, thats not attractive. Smile and chat her up, ask whats going on with her, whatever, just get some conversation flowing. When she sees you are easy to talk to, she will be more willing to go to an outing with her. Don't invite her to your house, basement, or to your place of work. Thats silly talk.
  5. I should point out that we talk all the time, we are friends. The reason for the flowers is because she said she wishes someone would buy her flowers, so I want that person to be me.
  6. Well that changes things man :smoke:

    Well if you are already friends, you have to conquer the friend zone first

    Like, if she views you as a friend, she will just think you are being nice by buying her flowers and that will be the end of it. she will still want to see a male love interest to buy her flowers, but right now you are not that interest
  7. Step 3: Do not take viagra, wait 20 mins, strip naked and then approach her

    ask me how I know :(
  8. op how long have you been "friends" with her.

    If its been a long time than you will be deep into the friend zone.
  9. Ask her to burn a blunt with you and then converse with her. Get to know her. Seem generally interested. Don't make it seem to friendly though your mission is still to get laid. Never stray from the mission.
  10. If I was you, I would send it to her at work. Girl's love that! I'm not trying to sound conceded, but we like attention. And the more we get the more we dont get doubts and feel loved. Dude, listion to me on this. Get her flowers. NOT roses! And try to findout her favorite color. Get her flowers that are her favorite color. Dont personalize a card just yet. Too clinggyy. And too much with flowers. Drag it out. If you drag it out for a week she will feel so special.After the card and flowers dude, she will be telling everyone. Have her not know it was you. Make her wonder. Then hangout with her, ask her what's up. See if she tells you about the flowers. Things like that. Then 2 days later get a card and leave it on her Car. And do small things like that. It's a big thing to us girls. Then after 1-2 weeks of doing that secret admirer stuff it will build anticipation. Then tell her it's you.
  11. [quote name='"Soccerguy420"']Step 1: Do not buy her flowers.[/quote]

    You know why you should not listen to this guy? Cause he plays soccer. Fuck yeah buy her flowers, I don't think it really matters what type, just get a nice bunch. Get em delivered or whatever. Leave em on her doorstep even. You smooth criminal you. But it works haha
  12. [quote name='"Sir Tokes Alot"']Ask her to burn a blunt with you and then converse with her. Get to know her. Seem generally interested. Don't make it seem to friendly though your mission is still to get laid. Never stray from the mission.[/quote]

  13. Buy her the flowers! Coming from a girl, definitely do it! :) Good luck man!

  14. dont listen to these gurls none of them are going to fuck you!!!!! and it makes you look like a douche nobody who gets laid buys flowers for girls until way after initiation
  15. Step one, evaluate your situation. Is she emotionally available ie. doesn't have a thing for another guy
    Step two, evaluate your current relationship. If she views you solely as a friend then don't pressure her.
    Step three, if your evaluations approve, talk to her about it, as a friend zoned guy, ask to grab dinner sometime, just the two of you. ( note if she accepts, no über fancy place, go family restaurant, old school fav.
    Step four, at said dinner, being up hypothetical scenarios (things like the cheesy dessert island what three items convo, not zombie survival plans)
    Step five, subtlety here is key, drop a hint that your interested in a hypothetical sense, and gauge her response off that. if she is also interested, sheepishly admit that you're not being hypothetical.
    Step six, enjoy the evening and take it slow, if you've been interested in her this long you can wait more than one night before attempting to move from enjoying each others company to the physical aspects.
    Step seven, let things run the natural course. Don't pressure it, don't over analyze, relax.

    Sounds manipulative, and thereby douchebag ish, but it works, got me into the relationship I am in now, two years together last week.
  16. In FOUR years, you've made just over 200 posts, and the lastest one is about an advise on how to approach a girl.

    She must be something...

    You must be quite desperate, aren't you?

    At first I was worried about you, but after reading your second post, I'm less worried now.

    I think you're on the right track.

    Good luck, man!!

    Love is in the air!

  17. Thanks for the advice everyone, I think I'm just going to have to grow a pair and not let the flowers do the talking for me. I'm just an extremely socially awkward person, especially in these types of situations.
  18. [quote name='"BlazedCannabis"']If I was you, I would send it to her at work. Girl's love that! I'm not trying to sound conceded, but we like attention. And the more we get the more we dont get doubts and feel loved. Dude, listion to me on this. Get her flowers. NOT roses! And try to findout her favorite color. Get her flowers that are her favorite color. Dont personalize a card just yet. Too clinggyy. And too much with flowers. Drag it out. If you drag it out for a week she will feel so special.After the card and flowers dude, she will be telling everyone. Have her not know it was you. Make her wonder. Then hangout with her, ask her what's up. See if she tells you about the flowers. Things like that. Then 2 days later get a card and leave it on her Car. And do small things like that. It's a big thing to us girls. Then after 1-2 weeks of doing that secret admirer stuff it will build anticipation. Then tell her it's you.[/quote]

    But what Is someone did that to a girl, then she got all worked up just to be approached by some really fucked up scary guy?!?!?

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