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How should I do this?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by urbanpoison, Oct 4, 2007.

  1. I have some FF Ocean Forest soil and I have quite a few plants that are unsexed as of yet. I've got some 5 gallon grow bags but I think it would be a waste of expensive soil to just plant them all in 5 gallon bags unsexed. We all know I would be throwing 1/2 of the soil away. Do you think I should just plant them in the 5 gallons or plant them in smaller 2 gallon bags and grow them for a month, sex them...then take all my girls and put into 5 gallon? I also thought of taking clones and sexing them but that would take to long since these are seedlings right now especially for 2 gallon bags. What would you do? Thanks in advance all.

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