how should i convince my parents to let me go to panama city for spring break

Discussion in 'General' started by thebluehippo, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. alright well i used to live in panama city until about 8th grade and while there we built three town homes to rent out but then the market went to shit and we tried selling them but we still have one left over that is empty.

    well anyways its my senior year in highschool and spring break is only about 2 months away and me and some of my friends want to go to panama city beach on spring break and stay in this empty townhouse for like a week

    anyways how should i go about persuading them to let me go because im like 90 % sure they arent going to be okay with this plan
  2. Play this song for them.

  3. get them some kind of present or do a favor for them before you talk to them? that always makes it harder for people to say no
  4. ask them asap so you have lots of time to suck up to them afterwards.
  5. /steal key, go on vacation, fuck bitches, get money.

    in all seriousness though, if your parents are like mine good luck. in my highschool days i just told my mom i was going places instead of asking and she slowly accepted that she didnt have that much controll over me. so tell her your plans for spring break dont ask. as far as getting the townhome? dunno....i couldnt see it happeneing, but ask for it, then when she says no ask if she will put a hotel room on her credit card. then when you get to your room trash it and teach that bitch a lesson.
  6. Ask them. If they say yes, go and have fun. If they say no, go and have fun.

  7. Exactly this!
  8. Bribe them.

  9. all good ideas lol ill let you guys know how things unfold once they get home today
  10. Just tell them you are 18 and deserve some freedom.
  11. Suck up and do chores
    Pay them for the time you'll be there
    Do some work to the house while your there
  12. I doubt I would let my kid do something like that.
  13. Have you been kind of a fuck up thru yo life? They might be hesitant but you should like do something SUPER responsable and a shitload of chores to show you can handle to shiat. Is the debate that you cant go use their townhome or you cant go by yourself?? just say your staying at a friends shitty hotel, swipe their key make a copy and roll out.

    Fuck bitches, get money, party. your young you should 100% go for the kill
  14. If you have demonstrated your maturity through the last years of your adolesence then they will be likely to say yes. If you approach the situation maturely and in advance. It's their perception of you that will be the deciding factor. If they still see you as immature they're knee jerk reaction will be to say no.
  15. Panama city is legit man, I live in pensacola and its almost as good as Panama but not quite. If i was you, I would convince them that youll only STAY in the townhouse and wont be partying in it, and that it would save you money instead of renting out a condo or party jumping\sleeping in hotels\sleeping in cars. Just claim that its only a few friends, and that youll keep it clean and maybe offer to do something for them. Tell them you could always lie about it and not ask to go at all and just leave, but instead youre being responsible about it.
  16. this.
  17. I've come to this thread every day since its creation to listen to the song I posted. You should do the same.
  18. maybe Tell them you want to look at colleges or something in the area?

    if you plead your case well, they migth be down for it. You'd probably have to make some sacrifices, maybe call them like several times a day or something but if you bargain correctly & they're chill, it could happen.
  19. ..this sir is the answer. :cool:

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