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How she looki'n, week 6 :o)

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by samske, Sep 14, 2009.

  1. my babie at week 6, isnt she sweet





  2. oooh Yeah...If She Continues To Grow In Nice Conditions,She's Going
    To Be Sexy When She's Older:D
  3. Next time add some perlite. She will grow much faster. Besides that looks good.
  4. what exactly is pearlite and where can i get it
  5. Its Those White Things In The Soil...When You Usually Buy A Fresh Bag Of Soil
    Some Brands Contain Perlite Or You Can Buy It By Itself.....
  6. six weeks from seed?

    It may be a slow growing strain, but it seems mighty small for that much time. Is it getting sufficient light?

    These were right at 30 days from when the seed was planted.
  7. Over watered.
  8. ?????
  9. Sorry was talking about the OP's. They look over watered. As well as light starved.

    Yours look perfect.
  10. OP, that has to either be one really deceptive camera angle or no way is that plant 6 weeks old.
  11. You would be surprised. I had a plant similar to that, one season. I took it out the pot and stuck it in the ground. Fed her and she exploded in size.
  12. I AM NOT saying that plant is BIG for 6 weeks, it is TINY for 6 weeks or the picture angle is very deceptive.
    Sheesh! and LOL!
  13. Lol i know man. Thats what i meant. It IS tiny.
  14. yeah it is growing really slow theres actually alot of sun and good weather at the going to upload flick tomorrow (a week later) its looking much better and bigger now its only recently started to really take off, stay posted more pics coming tomorrow
  15. #15 samske, Sep 19, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2009
    Aye guys WEEK 7 these are pictures from one week later. looking good to me :D what do you think?


    considering moving them in to a national park or something iv been looking around but its really shady trees are everywhere it wont grow there will it? they get up to 10 hours of direct sunlight where i have them now and still spring! anyways let me know what you think :metal:

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