How scared would you be if your girlfriends son (age 3-5) ate a pill of your extacy and u had to put ur finger down his throat to puke it back out and get him some tums to clean his stomach of anything so nothing affects his system of health?? Reply back
If you don't take this kid to a hospital immediately to have him checked out you are one serious piece of shit and I wish all the worst things in the world upon you. you sound like you're a real winner already as it is
Happened to my friend. I don't fuck with extacy. I just do oxies and xanax. But he put his finger down his girlfriends son's throat and he puked up all this red shit. Then he did it again till it was clear. The kid lived but he said he's never been more freaked out of his mind in his life. His girl was breaking down crying thinking the kid was going to die. He's only 3 years old by the way. Kid is alive though and doing fine and my friend saved him so.
they sound like wonderful parents, you know, bad as it sounds maybe the kid would have been better off biting the dust from that pill, would have saved him a lifetime of damage from his idiot caregivers...
You guy's are assholes. They made a mistake, at least they realized and took action before anything bad happened. I salute your friend for his efforts to save the childs life. This blunt later will be dedicated to him.
his friend is the reason the kid needed his "life saved" in the first place are joking me? The correct way to "take action" in that scenario is to get the child to a hospital and man up to the responsibilities of being a parent and the repercussions of being an idiot and letting your kid eat your drugs! fuck em both, they're scumbags far as I'm concerned! I feel sorry for the kid that's it...
Man you all need to take it easy, kid's get into shit. Take your eyes off them for a second and you don't know what they could be doin. Ecspacialy since they're young and first time parents, or at least dudes gf is a parent.
If your extacy is within a seconds reach of a child, something is seriously wrong. I don't know about manning up and going to the hospital though, nothing manly about having your child taken by social services It's a horrible situation, I'm glad I was not in it.
true, I didn't really think about that...good point man...not leaving illicit drugs in arms reach of your toddler isn't really common sense or anything so I can see how they would have missed that take your eyes off those chitlins for one second and they're in there mainlining your smack stash.....fuckin bastard kids! Those poor parents, how do they ever cope with such hell raisers???
I'd say there's nothing more "manly" than recognizing that you are unfit to be a god damned parent and giving your kid up to the government, who will at least spend a lot of money attempting to do something worthwhile with the child
They weren't trying to save the baby, they wanted their extacy back. Fool. Lol, that baby now think Tums are fantastic.
I don't know about manly, but I do agree that this could be the best course of action for the baby. EDIT: I'd be surprised if a baby swallowed extacy? They're bitter as hell, i'd imagine if it would spit it out.