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How Old are you?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by xXxKidderxXx, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. I know there is a large range of ages on here, I personally am 19 and i thank all of you for helping me with my growing and my knowledge on cannabis. Ive learned alot. But I was just wondering the percentage range of people here on GC.
  2. Is this the right place for this thread?
  3. I mean... any place on the board would pretty much work, probably the best luck in the general forum.
  4. 76+ is me:smoke:
  5. haha who answered 76+ ^^^ we gotta get together on a vape sesh old tymer!
  6. ya answered that before i could post it, haha
  7. Im 23.

    The only 76 year old i know who can even turn on a comp correctly is my mother and thats because i push the power button for her..

    So yea ur not 76 :-]
  8. cool poll, im 36...:smoke:
  9. I can't wait to see the morons who post asking for a lower age range.

    I'm 19 myself
  10. Hey, why is it only 18+ what about all the 15 and 16 year olds

    haha jokes :smoke:
  11. 19 going to be 20 in fall
  12. I'm 137 years old! .......I mean I'm 40

  13. Your mother gave birth to you when she was 53?

  14. You might as well say "yeah I'm alive, but I'll be dead eventually"
    Enjoy your age, don't spend a year yearning to be older.

  15. No however.

    My mother adopted me when i was 4. I was an orphan.
  16. I suspected most people on this website were under 20

  17. #17 slarzon, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2011
    meh life sucks anyways i dont care how old i get just another day of work and drama bullshit lol thats why i have weed so i can relax at the end of the day my life is not very exiting work sleep smoke weed chill with the crew like 2 times a week damn work but i need the cash
  18. Where's age 17? Just kidding!
  19. Whack For my Weed.

    How old is 1, .. How old is 2, .. . .. How old is Three .. .. ???

    Age is in your head.

    Personally, .. I am going ta smoke a HUGE fat on, .. .. and

    Lose the thought of my Age .. .. Mussta Rain on my Age ,, .. .. Hey .. .. lol .. // .. .. .. :p
  20. totally....but like TOTALLY feel you man....bon appetit :smoke:

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