How often?

Discussion in 'General' started by Goose403, Jan 11, 2010.

  1. How often do you guys smoke?
  2. I voted multiple times a day, but for the past 3 or 4 weeks its been aalll the time. still bringin in the new year haha
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  3. damn 7 votes and im the only one whos stoned all the time? you all are dissapointments
  4. whenever i have weed i smoke it a few times a day until its gone.
  5. Haha, I only smoke on the weekends to keep up with my schoolwork... I tend to get reaaaaally unmotivated and procrastinate when I smoke :)
  6. multiple times a day, everyday for me.
  7. Pretty much all day every day.
    I average myself to about a gram a day, give or take 0.5
    I buy quads of dank a week, 7 grams 7 days :cool:
  8. depends on how much i have. usually not much because i cant afford it. i'd say for about 1 week in every month, i smoke once or twice a day.
  9. I smoke 4-6 times a day. I wouldn't wanna be stoned 24/7...ya gotta face reality now and then :p
  10. I have smoked on and off for years. I go through stages of smoking it everyday. And i'm at that stage now. Have been for about 3 months now. Prob smoke about 3 joints and a bowl in the evening.
  11. Once during the week since I have work. Usually 3 times on the weekend (Breakfast lunch dinner)
  12. Every day about twice a day.

    I'll kick back after classes and light one up. Then followed by one in the evening before bed.
  13. I probably smoke the equivalent of a at least a gram every day, spread out through bongpacks and joints*. Plus the occasional 1-point-something blunt with friends.

    I'm high all day unless I have work, and even then I usually smoke on my break.

    *Though in reality I have no idea because my sense of time is absolute garbage.
  14. i couldnt really decide on one of the polls so i just put im usually always stoned im rarley ever not high
  15. right now its winter so im always stoned

    during spring/fall/summer i cut back cuz college and work and some sort of a social life.
  16. Once a day. When I come in from work, before I go to bed, in that rare bit of time that is actually all mine.

    Don't like being high during the day.
  17. Zero times a day for a few weeks now but if I have weed usually once or twice a day.
  18. Once a day usually. Occasionally I'll smoke twice a day on a weekend or something, but that's pretty rare. My daily activities keep me out and about mostly, and I tend to smoke at home.

    My highs seem to last for a long time though, so I just ride them out until I go to sleep.
  19. Usually just smoke two bowls a night during the week. On the weekend, it varies and depends on what I'm doing. Once I start getting low, It becomes once or twice a week.

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