My upcoming grow, which I will document for your viewing pleasure, is going to be using 21 5-gallon buckets. Each bucket has a bucket netpot lid (6") I will be using large diameter Perlite to fill the netpot lids and to fill about half of each bucket along with some vermiculite to keep moisture longer. There will be a drain in each bucket which is made from a 1/2" grommet and 1/2" barbed straight connector. So there will be a 1/4" reservoir of water in the bottom after each feeding. I am going to be using 1000watts on a mover above 3 rows of 7 buckets. Each bucket has 2 360 degree sprayers mounded halfway up between the top of the Perlite inside the bucket, and halfway down from the top of the bucket. So that they spray the bottom of the netpot and the freehanging roots. I will be growing white widow and I want to finish the plants around 2.5' tall, so I will only be vegging for a couple/three weeks max. I'm thinking that I will want to feed them for 3-5 minutes at a time every 1.5-2 hours when lights on, increasing the time as they require it. Does that sound like a good base plan to start with or does anyone have any experience with a setup similar to this?
shit no i dont have that kind of experience but fuck yesssss i'm pulling up a fucking chair to watch you do this
Thanks budslinger, I put a good month solid of planning and design into it, always changing something to be better. I am probably just paranoid, but I have never done drip to waste so I am not sure at all about how often and how long to feed I guess the best thing to do will just pick how many feeding times I think it will need and then keep an eye to see if it needs less/more. Any suggestions for that?