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How often, much, left, kind, and what

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by SixTimesThree, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. So, how often do you smoke?

    How much do you buy at a time?

    How much do you have left? and what strain?

    Whats your favorite thing to smoke with? Joint? Blunt? Bong? Bowl? etc.

    I smoke almost everyday. Maybe every two days. (When i have enough for a week)

    I perfer to buy an eith or more at a time.

    I have about 2 grams from the last eigth i bought. Its called Headband.

    I perfer either a joint or a bong/ water pipe. I really do not enjoy bowls.

    Share your preferences, blades. :D
  2. i buy pounds of many types.

    and smoke them all, while it magically turns back into money.

  3. amen to that :D
  4. Twice daily if possible.
    Usually buy 1/8's or QO's.
    0 Left after a hard sesh last night. Didn't have a chance to pick up today :(.
    HAD some Master Kush.
    I usually prefer bongs or bowls, but I enjoy the occasional joint.
  5. Smoke once or twice a day. I buy 2gs at a time, and it lasts me around 2 weeks maybe a bit more. I dont know the strain names (all of em are bullshit), and i love vapes and nice medium sized glass bongs :smoke:
  6. I smoke a bowl a day
    I buy anything from 1/8 to an ounce
    Not sure what strain it is, but I've got about a g left of dro
    Love me some bubblers :)
  7. I usually smoke on the weekends. Last night I had a big sesh with my friends and we all smoked so much so i am flat out. Don't know what strain i had but it was decent.
  8. I Smoke between 1 and 3 times daily, normally by myself, only a bowl a sitting.
    I'll pick up anywhere between a quarter and a QP, depending on quality.
    Yesterday I made 160 thc pills with 11 grams of mostly shake and 6 grams of stems.
    But when i got green to smoke, nothin tops a good bub.

    got a dub before leaving my friend's house to keep my smoking needs satisfied for the night:smoke:
  9. I smoke 1-2 times day for the most part.

    I buy mids by the half or ounce, and I buy dank by the gram

    I have just under an ounce (picked up yesterday) of my mids, no dank at the moment (sad panda)

    I love to smoke joints, I do like to smoke out of nice bongs, but nothing for me is better then a joint
  10. drug dealer alert

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