im one of those people who doesnt really buy it, unless its something important like a concert, party, or 4/20, so im probobly like once a week or so....what about everyone else?
daily. when school is in, i don't smoke until i get off work - evenings and weekends only. now that summer is here - from wake -n- bake to puff-n-snooze. i smoke way too much
I'm proud to say that i broke my own record of getting stoned 5 days in a row last year!.... By about 40 days!!! I know its nothing that sepical but for me it is!
Most I've smoked in a row was 4 days... Just recently too. Im more of recreational smoker but now that summer is here and such it's much more.
every day... when i have it. try to not smoke for a week every so few months to prove to myself and others that it aint addictive, and i do this when i actually have some. but right now i got jack shit. smoke for medical reasons tho. ... em... well ... ok, ok! I started as a recreational smoker and would smoke everyday even if it wernt for the back pains, insomnia, eating disorder, migraines, etc etc. recreational smoker till i die. medical user till it cures me.
I must be more of a pot head than I thought. I can't remember the last day I didn't smoke it. I even go on holiday to Amsterdam so I don't have to go without, and always buy more b4 I run out. It really helps me sleep amongst other things. Don't wanna sound addicted or anything but there's no surer cure for boredom.
i smoke every day. and before i run out i try to get more. gosh~i honestly can say i was just out, but of course fully loaded again but for how many days in a row i've smoked! if it wasn't for havin none it would be like how many yrs in a row i've smoked. absolutely every day.
Daily if I got shit, or if my dealer's around. We're boys so if I pop over there we'll spark a few Js. Sounds bad but we can still function, still wake up for class/work, so it's all good.
i am relatively new to the smoking scene, and i can say that it is a whole lot better than drinking. i due it about twice a week, only cause i get the munchies, even when i get good shit. any way to avoid getting the munchies?
I smoke every day. How much I smoke depends on how stressful my day at work was and if I'm off from work, I basically stay high 99.99% of the day.
lets see.. today i smoked a bowl in the morning, a bowl after school, followed by a joint, followed by another bowl.. and then a bowl a bit later on, and then another bowl, and ill probably either smoke another joint or another bowl before i go to sleep damn, i should cut down.. i usually dont smoke that much, but i just got my 1/2oz