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How often do you mix weed?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Koldfusion11, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. Using more than one strain in a bowl, bong, blunt, etc...
  2. I used to do that all the time but now I feel like its better to enjoy all the strains I have separately. Unless its lower grade then I don't care as much.
  3. Likewise. The better the quality, the more likely I am to enjoy it by itself.
  4. Not often I like to taste weed separately but if I'm matching bowls it's fun to mix, I never really buy two strains at once
  5. i always save the weed from my roaches because i refuse to use a filter in my joints (just not how i roll) so i end up mixing weed every time i get a new pickup

    most of the other weed i have leftover is just because it doesnt fit into a joint, so when all of that adds up, i smoke another
  6. Everytime I have more then 1 strain on me
  7. what does this new word mean?
  8. This is where most kids I know got it from...

    [ame=]Toms nigga moment uncensored - YouTube[/ame]

    [ame=]Toms nigga moment uncensored - YouTube[/ame]
  9. Learn something new every day
  10. only when im with some good buds and want to make a salad bowl
  11. It depends on what affect I'm aiming for because each strain brings different highs.

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