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How often do you guys binge??

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by GSN1PA360, Aug 12, 2012.

  1. Tonight I was going to see how high I can get before I pussy out whether it be passing out, headache, spins, etc... when I wondered how often the GC community binges so, how often do you guys binge? (try to get fucked up not necessarily as high as possible) :D
  2. as often as i can afford it. lol.
  3. 2 times a month when first pick up a oz I normally burn like 5 blunts
  4. Once every 2 weeks I usually pick up a o and invite some friends over to have a giant smoke sesh. The only rule is they have to bring the clove wraps or papers.:D
  5. Just tryed to repack the ol' bong and I already had packed her... Getting there... :hippie: :D
  6. Last night I binged smoked a lot of bowls thru the bong. It just eats it up man one hit one bowl. Lots of bowls.
  7. Yea pussy pussy pussy pussy HOT COMMODITY pussay pussay pussay
  8. George Carlin once asked, "What do you get when you keep smoking weed when you are already stoned?"
    His answer was, "Less weed!"
  9. [quote name='"graybeard"']George Carlin once asked, "What do you get when you keep smoking weed when you are already stoned?"
    His answer was, "Less weed!"[/quote]

    That quote is SO true! Carlin was a smart dude, man
  10. If it's not blunts then I can keep going.

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