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How often do you change your bong water?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by The Stoned Jedi, Sep 3, 2010.

  1. i Acetone my bong every morning, change the water a couple times a day.
  2. I clean mine out after every session, the smell is just too
    much for me, but I keep all my pieces clean, I just love
    smoking out of clean pipes and it always taste like the good
    green herb. I feel like I neglect them if I don't.
  3. Every single time I start a new bowl.

  4. :eek:
  5. OSG, that's some nasty stuff haha.
    As for me, i change my bong water after every session.
    I also clean my pieces after every session or every few days. I guess i just like to get that fresh herb taste :smoke:
  6. after every sesh you should change it!
  7. usually once or twice a day.

    on my buddies grow site theyve been using the same water in the bong or 2 or 3 months now. water is really scarce where they are at and most of it goes to cooking and watering the plants. the water was black black black.
  8. At what point does water stop being water?
  9. yeah a couple of times per week i'd say after 10-15 session it would piss me off too much to change it after every session plus the taste remains bad even if I don't change the water cause the bowl and stem are full of res after a couple of hits anyway...
  10. Better question, is what do you guys use to clean your bong?
    I used to use iso, but it's pathetic compared to goof off, Acetone, or Ronson lighter fluid.
  11. when you wont drink it :D:D.
  12. Lol i wouldnt drink that stuff even after 1 hit, Bong water is nasty and smells like shit haha. I got pissed one time cause i was smoking with a friend at lunch time before school with my old bubbler and when it was time to empty it he did the fountain trick and wasn't watching where he was pointing it and all the water went all over me and i had to walk home (1hr and a half each way) to get more clothes and ended up missing the rest of school

  13. Dam thats some immature bullshit right there! Payback was a bitch hopefully!

    I do it 2 times a day depending on how often I smoke. If im staying home for a couple hours ill leave it. But if I have a nice sesh and gotta do something I just dump it. Sometimes I do it half way thru a long sesh though. Also depends if Im using the snapper or ash catcher setup.
  14. with my ash catcher i only have to change it's black, gross fucking vile putrid water a couple times a day. the rest of the bong water stays really really clean. for like a week. still change it daily though.
  15. I change my bong water every 3 days or so. I'm about to clean her out right now actually.

    My mom told me stories about how when she had a bong, she would never clean it and strain the extremely nasty bong water through a screen so she could dry this shit and smoke it when she ran out of weed. Nasty, nasty stuff.

    I like to keep my piece clean so it hits more smoothly. Iso cleaning shit is real quick and easy, and it makes everything so much more clean. I love when I Iso wash my slider, that bowl looks great when fully packed and cleaned to the bone. It starts to get black and rezinated after every sesh.

    Must clean down-stem thoroughly soon.:smoking:
  16. Daily, and I wash them Weekly (depending on which pieces gets used)
  17. i wonder whatr bong water that old and used would even look like..
  18. Probably won't look much like water anymore, more like swamp water.

  19. agreed.

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