How not to get caught...

Discussion in 'General' started by dankpurplekush, Aug 7, 2012.

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  1. I know this is long but it is useful and will help you!

    Alright everybody, over the past couple of years so many people have been busted for weed because of their cell phones( I am not only talking about cell phone stuff in this, only the first couple are about cell phones). By their parents, family, school, and POLICE! And now most states have a law/laws or are trying to pass a law that makes it so if the police think you smoke weed or you get in trouble they can bust you for just texting about weed. For example, my friend got busted by his mom because he had texts about how high he was and he forgot to delete them. Another friend was arrested because he accidentally told a cop that he could see his phone and the cop read some texts and my friends apartment was searched and the found 27 grams of weed... So in this thread I am going to talk about ways to make your chances of getting caught smaller. And please read the Whole thing, all of the things are really important. Like, if you follow these rules there is no way you are getting caught.(unless like a police dog is brought over.)

    1.) People with Smartphones, ipod's, and ipad's. If you can download apps to your phone than you are in luck. There is an app called " TigerText" on the Droid Market and on the Apple App Store. What does it do? Well it is an app that lets you text people but after a set amount of minutes the message expires and gets "Slashed".This means if you text someone after the set amount of time the message gets automatically deleted and can NEVER come back! But to use it both people texting have to have it :( But someone with an iphone can text someone with a android :) AND IT IS FREE
    Mobile Security and Messaging

    2.) Try to call people instead of texting when you are talking about drugs.

    3.) When you do text delete the messages immediately

    3 1/2.) Give weed a nickname. Call it Dillon because that is not a common name. Call your friend and say, hey you wanna come over and hang out with me and Dillon? Also use words your parents don't know. Dro, it is a good word because most parents don't know what the fuck it means. And if they do you can say you said bro.

    4.) Do not hide you weed and smoking accessories in your room. Come on guys parents look in your room because you feel like it is a safe place to put stuff, well it's not. The first place parents look is in the kids bedroom room. When no one is home just look around for good places to hide your stuff.

    5.) Stop using bags when you hide your weed!!! I find that mason jars are the best. And if you are super paranoid you can take a prescription bottle (or how ever many you need) and fill it with with your weed. That is the first barrier and then put it in the Mason jar, there is no way your parents can smell it then.

    6.) When you smoke clean up. When you smoke weed, clean yo shit up! It isn't hard, you get up and move a couple things.

    7.) Don't look high! Everyone gets red eyes, use clear eyes redness relief or rohto V. It makes your eyes white. Don't be a cheap ass they are $2.50-$5.00. They are in little bottles that are the perfect size for your pocket. And they are sold like everywhere, walmart, fred meyers, kroger, walgreesns, and even gas stations.

    8.) Don't smell like weed. So many people run around smelling like it. After you just touch weed your hands smell like it. Spray some damn axe once and a while, SMH. Cops can search you if you smell like weed. Plus some of you guys just run around smelling like straight B.O. or shit. Take a shower atleast 2-3 times a week. wash your hands or put cologne or deodorant on them when you are done smoking.

    9.) PEOPLE WHO DRIVE THIS IS IMPORTANT! When you have weed or paraphernalia, don't leave it close to you. Put it in the trunk if you have a car, if you have an SUV put it in trunk, and a lot of SUV's have the tire in the trunk, put yo shit in with the tire, if yo have a truck I don't know what the fuck to tell you. because trucks have no good hiding spots. So many people just put their shit in the glove box or center console and then get pulled over and a moving around everywhere trying to hide it. that is a dead give away. Most cops won't search past the front and back seats( and the glove box and center console) if they don't find anything. How many times have you seen the cops search the trunk of a car unless the find something in the front?

    10.) If you are wearing a jacket take it off... then when you are finished put it back on.

    11.) Do NOT smoke inside!!!!!! I made the mistake of doing it and I smoked in the basement and like 1am. I thought I had it all figured out, I opened the window, turned on a huge fan pointing it at the window so the smoke would blow back in, grabbed a pipe and smoke three bowls... alone( I was really bored) Well, the whole basement just reeked of smoke. I was freaking out, i sprayed three types of cologne and it still smelled. And the cologne was strong, it was Tim Mcgraw, and two different types of Adidas. If you friends are pressuring you just say, ok lets go to your house and smoke inside and then I'll do it.

    12.) Have a safe smoke spot. Anywhere that people can't see you and is generally safe. Go down to a park if you are by one and there are usually little spots in the bush where kids smoke.

    13.) VERY IMPORTANT!!! Always bring gum/mints. I actually go to the store and buy those mini bottles of mouthwash for traveling. Always bring extra gum, if you smoke with someone they are going to ask for some most likely.

    14.) Make Eye Contact. People who are guilty avoid eye contact, it's a fact.

    15.) How to lie!!! If someone asks if you are high say, "No, why?" say it like you don't know why they are asking and use a confused facial expression. And when they ask you certain questions don't instantly come up with the answer, wait about 1-3 second before answering. Example, Your mom ask where were you and who were you with. Say, "umm" and contract your eyebrows for about two seconds to make it look like you are thinking about it. And then say your answer. If it is a simple question don't pause. When you tell a lie you subsciously look to the right. Why? Because when you lie you are constructing a thought in the right side of your brain, so you look to the right. When you are telling the truth you look to the left because you are recalling a thought and it uses the left side of your brain.

    16.) Use incense! Feel free to smoke weed in your bedroom. Just have a fan and incense. And make sure to close air vents, you don't want the smell of smoked weed going through the vents into another room.

    So there it is. Follow just 3 of these rules and your chances of getting caught are way lower.
  2. The lying part was cool. But other than that, just too much text. Most of it I already knew sorry, nice post though.
  3. i think most of that stuff is just common sense. at least it seems like common sense to me.
  4. Most of it is common sense. But I posted this for people who are new to smoking. I didn't know what section to put this. Is there a section for like newer smokers?
  5. Its very nice of you to make an account to warn us all :)
    2.) Try to call people instead of texting when you are talking about drugs.
    ^Most states have a one way consent law which allows anyone to record someone speaking without their permission, meaning the cops, or just a random person can record you without any kind of anything. Also i dont want my text messages "slashed" lol :smoke:
    hopefully this doesnt help some crack dealer but just some stoners, we know it can be different, let us smoke like you drink
  6. Common sense really.
    Eye drops, Axe body spray and not acting like an idiot gets me through huge conversations with parents while high. Also don't smoke joints/blunts if you don't want to get smelly. Keep a small pipe for those situations.
  7. I'm going to shorten everything up and delete some steps and post it in the apprentice section
  8. its cool it can be moved over there with technology just like i can be followed for smoking weed. if you do start another one dont forget the one way consent
  9. One way consent?
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